///1LINK Syntax: LINK d:{filespec,{[options]}=}filespec{[options]}{,...} Explanation: LINK combines relocatable object modules such as those produced by RMAC and PL/I-80 into a .COM file ready for execution. Relocatable files can contain external references and publics. Relocatable files can reference modules in library files. LINK searches the library files and includes the referenced modules in the output file. See the CP/M 3 Programmer's Utilities Guide for a complete description of LINK- 80. ///2Options Use LINK option switches to control execution parameters. Link options follow the file specifications and are enclosed within square brackets. Multiple switches are separated by commas. LINK-80 Options A Additional memory; reduces buffer space and writes temporary data to disk B BIOS link in banked CP/M 3 system. 1. Aligns data segment on page boundary. 2. Puts length of code segment in header. 3. Defaults to .SPR filetype. Dhhhh Data origin; sets memory origin for common and data area Gn Go; set start address to label n Lhhhh Load; change default load address of module to hhhh. Default 0100H Mhhhh Memory size; Define free memory requirements for MP/M modules. NL No listing of symbol table at console NR No symbol table file OC Output .COM command file. Default OP Output .PRL page relocatable file for execution under MP/M in relocatable segment OR Output .RSP resident system process file for execution under MP/M OS Output .SPR system page relocatable file for execution under MP/M Phhhh Program origin; changes default program origin address to hhhh. Default is 0100H. Q Lists symbols with leading question mark S Search preceding file as a library $Cd Destination of console messages d can be X (console), Y (printer), or Z (zero output). Default is X. $Id Source of intermediate files; d is disk drive A-P. Default is current drive. $Ld Source of library files; d is disk drive A-P. Default is current drive. $Od Destination of of object file; d can be Z or disk drive A-P. Default is to same drive as first file in the LINK-80 command. $Sd Destination of symbol file; d can be Y or Z or disk drive A-P. Default is to same drive as first file in LINK-80 command. ///2Examples A>LINK b:MYFILE[NR] LINK-80 on drive A uses as input MYFILE.REL on drive B and produces the executable machine code file MYFILE.COM on drive B. The [NR] option specifies no symbol table file. A>LINK m1,m2,m3 LINK-80 combines the separately compiled files m1, m2, and m3, resolves their external references, and produces the executable machine code file m1.COM. A>LINK m=m1,m2,m3 LINK-80 combines the separately compiled files m1, m2, and m3 and produces the executable machine code file m.COM. A>LINK MYFILE,FILE5[s] The [s] option tells LINK-80 to search FILE5 as a library. LINK-80 combines MYFILE.REL with the referenced subroutines contained in FILE5.REL on the default drive A and produces MYFILE.COM on drive A.