///1commands CP/M 3 Command Format: A>COMMAND {command tail} A CP/M 3 command line is composed of a command, an optional command tail, and a carriage return. The command is the name or filename of a program to be executed. The optional command tail can consist of a drive specification, one or more file specifications, and some options or parameters. ///2conventions COMMAND CONVENTIONS The following special symbols define command syntax. {} surrounds an optional item. | separates alternative items in a command line. indicates a carriage return. ^ indicates the Control Key. n substitute a number for n. s substitute a string (group) of characters for s. o substitute an option or option list for o. [] type square brackets to enclose an option list. () type parens to enclose a range of options within an option list. RW Read-Write attribute - opposite of RO RO Read-Only attribute - opposite of RW SYS System attribute - opposite of DIR DIR Directory attribute - opposite of SYS ... preceding element can be repeated as many times as desired. * wildcard: replaces all or part of a filename and/or filetype. ? wildcard: replaces any single character in the same position of a filename and/or filetype.