///1filespec FILESPEC FORMAT CP/M 3 identifies every file by its unique file specification, which can consist of four parts: the drive specification, the filename, the filetype and the password. The term "filespec" indicates any valid combination of the four parts of a file specification, all separated by their appropriate delimiters. A colon must follow a drive letter. A period must precede a filetype. A semicolon must precede a password. The symbols and rules for the parts of a file specification follow: d: drivespec optional single alpha character (A-P) filename filename 1-8 letters and/or numbers typ filetype optional 0-3 letters and/or numbers password password optional 0-8 letters and/or numbers Valid combinations of the elements of a CP/M 3 file specification are: filename d:filename filename.typ d:filename.typ filename;password d:filename;password filename.typ;password d:filename.typ;password If you do not include a drive specifier, CP/M 3 automatically uses the default drive. Some CP/M 3 commands accept wildcard (* and ?) characters in the filename and/or filetype parts of the command tail. A wildcard in the command line can in one command reference many matching files on the default or specified user number and drive. (See Commands).