///1HELP Syntax: HELP {topic} {subtopic1 ... subtopic8} {[NOPAGE|LIST]} Explanation: HELP displays a list of topics and provides summarized information for CP/M 3 commands. HELP topic displays information about that topic. HELP topic subtopic displays information about that subtopic. One or two letters is enough to identify the topics. After HELP displays information for your topic, it displays the special prompt HELP> on your screen, followed by a list of subtopics. - Enter ? to display list of main topics. - Enter a period and subtopic name to access subtopics. - Enter a period to redisplay what you just read. - Press the RETURN key to return to the CP/M 3 system prompt. - [NOPAGE] option disables the 24 lines per page console display. - Press any key to exit a display and return to the HELP> prompt. Examples: A>HELP A>HELP DATE A>HELP DIR OPTIONS A>HELP>.OPTIONS HELP>SET HELP>SET PASSWORD HELP>.PASSWORD HELP>. HELP>