///1PUT Syntax: PUT CONSOLE {OUTPUT TO} FILE filespec {option} | CONSOLE PUT PRINTER {OUTPUT TO} FILE filespec {option} | PRINTER PUT CONSOLE {OUTPUT TO} CONSOLE PUT PRINTER {OUTPUT TO} PRINTER Explanation: PUT puts console or printer output to a file for the next command entered at the console, until the program terminates. Then console output reverts to the console. Printer output is directed to a file until the program terminates. Then printer output is put back to the printer. PUT with the SYSTEM option directs all subsequent console/printer output to the specified file. This option terminates when you enter the PUT CONSOLE or PUT PRINTER command. ///2Options [ {ECHO | NO ECHO} {FILTER | NO FILTER} | {SYSTEM} ] ECHO specifies that output is echoed to the console. This is the default option when you direct console output to a file. NO ECHO specifies that file output is not echoed to the console. NO ECHO is the default for the PUT PRINTER command. FILTER specifies filtering of control characters, which means that control characters are translated to printable characters. For example, an ESCape character is translated to ^[. NO FILTER means that PUT does not translate control characters. This is the default option. SYSTEM specifies that system output as well as program output is written to the file specified by filespec. Output is written to the file until a subsequent PUT CONSOLE command redirects console output back to the console. ///2Examples A>PUT CONSOLE OUTPUT TO FILE XOUT [ECHO] Directs console output to file XOUT with the output echoed to the console. A>PUT PRINTER OUTPUT TO FILE XOUT A>MYPROG Directs the printer output of program MYPROG to file XOUT. The output is not echoed to the printer. A>PUT PRINTER OUTPUT TO FILE XOUT2 [ECHO,SYSTEM] Directs all printer output to file XOUT2 as well as to the printer (with ECHO option), and the PUT is in effect until you enter a PUT PRINTER OUTPUT TO PRINTER command. A>PUT CONSOLE OUTPUT TO CONSOLE Directs console output back to the console. A>PUT PRINTER OUTPUT TO PRINTER Directs printer output back to the printer.