///1SET Syntax: SET [options] SET d: [options] SET filespec [options] Explanation: SET initiates password protection and time stamping of files. It also sets the file and drive attributes Read-Write, Read-Only, DIR and SYS. It lets you label a disk and password protect the label. To enable time stamping of files, you must first run INITDIR to format the disk directory. ///2Label Syntax: SET {d:} [NAME=labelname.typ] SET [PASSWORD=password] SET [PASSWORD= ///3Examples A>SET [NAME=DISK100] Labels the disk on the default drive as DISK100. A>SET [PASSWORD=SECRET] Assigns SECRET to the disk label. A>SET [PASSWORD= Nullifies the existing password. ///2Passwords SET [PROTECT=ON] SET [PROTECT=OFF] SET filespec [PASSWORD=password] SET filespec [PROTECT=READ] SET filespec [PROTECT=WRITE] SET filespec [PROTECT=DELETE] SET filespec [PROTECT=NONE] SET filespec [attribute-options] ///3Modes Password Protection Modes Mode Protection READ The password is required for reading, copying writing, deleting or renaming the file. WRITE The password is required for writing, deleting or renaming the file. You do not need a password to read the file. DELETE The password is only required for deleting or renaming the file. You do not need a password to read or modify the file. NONE No password exists for the file. If a password password exists, this modifier can be used to delete the password. ///2Attributes RO sets the file attribute to Read-Only. RW sets the file attribute to Read-Write. SYS sets the file attribute to SYS. DIR sets the file attribute to DIR. ARCHIVE=OFF means that the file has not been backed up (archived). ARCHIVE=ON means that the file has been backed up (archived). The Archive attribute can be turned on by SET or by PIP when copying a group of files with the PIP [A] option. SHOW and DIR display the Archive option. F1=ON|OFF turns on or off the user-definable file attribute F1. F2=ON|OFF turns on or off the user-definable file attribute F2. F3=ON|OFF turns on or off the user-definable file attribute F3. F4=ON|OFF turns on or off the user-definable file attribute F4. ///3Examples SET [PROTECT=ON] Turns on password protection for all the files on the disk. You must turn on password protection before you can assign passwords to files. SET [PROTECT=OFF] Disables password protection for the files on your disk. A>SET MYFILE.TEX [PASSWORD=MYFIL] MYFIL is the password assigned to file MYFILE.TEX. B>SET *.TEX [PASSWORD=SECRET, PROTECT=WRITE] Assigns the password SECRET to all the TEX files on drive B. Each TEX file is given a WRITE protect mode to prevent unauthorized editing. A>SET MYFILE.TEX [RO SYS] Sets MYFILE.TEX to Read-Only and SYStem. ///2Default A>SET [DEFAULT=dd] Instructs the system to use dd as a password if you do not enter a password for a password-protected file. ///2Time-Stamps Syntax: SET [CREATE=ON] SET [ACCESS=ON] SET [UPDATE=ON] Explanation: The above SET commands allow you to keep a record of the time and date of file creation and update, or of the last access and update of your files. ///3Options [CREATE=ON] turns on CREATE time stamps on the disk in the default or specified drive. To record the creation time of a file, the CREATE option must be turned on before the file is created. [ACCESS=ON] turns on ACCESS time stamps on the disk in the default or specified drive. ACCESS and CREATE options are mutually exclusive; only one can be in effect at a time. If you turn on the ACCESS time stamp on a disk that previously had CREATE time stamp, the CREATE time stamp is automatically turned off. [UPDATE=ON] turns on UPDATE time stamps on the disk in the default or specified drive. UPDATE time stamps record the time the file was last modified. ///3Examples A>SET [ACCESS=ON] A>SET [CREATE=ON,UPDATE=ON] ///2Drives Syntax: SET {d:} [RO] SET {d:} [RW] Example: A>SET B: [RO] Sets drive B to Read-Only.