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2018-06-01 10:49:06 +02:00
<!-- This ia an example page that illustrate how a CEPT TCD 6-1
looks when it is formatted in the btxml hypertext language
Propose: How to use the different character sets -->
<cept> <!-- Open CEPT page -->
<head> <!-- This is the header, it contains meta information for service control -->
<meta name="next_page" content="*0#"> <!-- Define the page that is loaded when '#' is pressed -->
</head> <!-- Close the header -->
<body> <!-- Open page body segment -->
<!-- First we care about a White/Blue ambient -->
<cs> <!-- Clear screen -->
<csi><0x31><0x40> <!-- Invoke 2nd color table (to get deep blue) -->
<esc><0x23><0x20><fblb> <!-- Makes the background blue -->
<esc><0x28><0x40> <!-- Invoke G0 set -->
<!-- Headline -->
<esc><0x22><0x41> <!-- Invoke C1P set -->
<csi><0x30><0x40> <!-- Invoke 1nd color table -->
<trb><whf> <!-- Select Transparent background with white foreground -->
<aph> <!-- Set cursor to home position -->
<csi><0x30><0x40> <!-- Invoke 1nd color table (to get a real white) -->
<esc><0x23><0x21><fwhb> <!-- Maks a white full row -->
<esc><0x23><0x21><fwhb> <!-- Maks a white full row -->
<csi><0x31><0x40> <!-- Invoke 2nd color table (to get deep blue) -->
<trb><blf> <!-- Select Transparent background with blue foreground -->
<csi><0x31><0x40> <!-- Invoke 2nd color table -->
<csi><0x30><0x40> <!-- Invoke 1nd color table -->
<trb><whf> <!-- Select Transparent background with white foreground -->
<nsz> <!-- Select normal size font -->
<!-- Text -->
<sp>#<sp><sp><sp><sp>=<sp>Weiter<sp><sp><sp><sp>*0#<sp><sp>=<sp><ss2>HUbersichtsseite<!-- apd apr -->
<!-- Input prompt -->
<esc><0x28><0x40> <!-- Invoke G0 set -->
</body> <!-- Close page body segment -->
</cept> <!-- Close CEPT page -->