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; cf.z - creeping featurism (i.e. file operations in chat scripts)
; plus stuff to look after numbers in chat scripts
.incl "c:vars"
; stest - compare two strings !% = .s1.s2. `label jump if equal
; !% _ .s1.s2. `label jump if equal case insens.
; !% # .s1.s2. `label jump if not equal
.extern stest
stest: xor a
ld (casefl),a
call areabp
cp '#'
jr z,ckseq ; '#' for inequality
xor '='
jr z,ckseq ; '=' for equality
ld (casefl),a ; set case flag true
xor '_' ^ '=' ; '_' for equality case insensitive
ret nz
ckseq: or a ; z equality, nz inequality
push af ; save test value
call incbyp ; step up to strings
push hl
ld hl,work2
ld de,work2 + 1
ld bc,255
ld (hl),b
ldir ; clear space where strings will live
pop hl
or a
jr z,testzz
ld de,work2 + 1
ld b,2
seqslp: push bc
call scanst ; scan a string
inc de
pop bc
jr c,testzz ; exit if end of input
djnz seqslp ; otherwise loop till both read
inc hl ; skip trailing terminator
push hl ; save input pointer
ld hl,work2 + 1
ld de,work2 + 42 ; get the two strings
csl: ld b,0x7f
call cmptst ; check a characters
jr nz,phltz ; different, so finish test operation
ld a,(hl)
or a ; end of string?
jr z,phltz ; yes - finish test this way too
inc hl
inc de ; next chars .....
jr csl
; the !~ creeping featurism entry
.extern cf
call areabu ; what's wanted?
inc hl
cp '-'
jr z,cf_era ; '-' erases
cp '='
jr z,cf_ren
cp '+'
jr z,cf_copy ; '+' copies
cp 'Y'
jr z,cf_filq ; 'Y' file query: jump if file exists
xor 'N'
ret nz ; 'N' file query: jump if file doesn't exist
; fall into file query routine
; file query: check see if a file exists or not, and then jump to a label if
; it does.
or a ; z for 'N', nz for 'Y'
push af
call scnfcb ; get a fcb
ld de,fcb
ld c,open ; try to open it - note that this will also
; work with wildcards
push hl
call usrbds ; open
inc a
phltz: pop hl
testzz: jr z,nofil ; not there - do test one way round
pop af ; 'Y' / 'N' result back
ret z ; 'N' and file exists => no skip
jr dskp1 ; 'Y' and file => skip
nofil: pop af ; no file .....
ret nz ; 'Y' and no file => no skip
dskp1: jp doskip ; go skip to the new line
; rename: du: is taken from the first name - a1:x = b7:y will rename a1:y
cf_ren: call gettwo
ret c ; exit on an error
ld hl,(auxfcb)
ld (fcb),hl ; xfer drive / user info
ld de,fcb
ld c,open
call usrbds ; open
inc a
ret z ; not there - exit
ld a,(fcb + 10)
add a,a
ret c ; if it's R/O stop now
ld de,auxfcb
ld c,open
call usrbds ; open
inc a
ret nz ; replacement _IS_ there - so exit
ld hl,auxfcb + 1
ld de,fcb + 17
ld bc,16
ldir ; shift stuff for rename
ld de,fcb
ld c,rename
jp usrbds ; go do it
; erase subroutine: no wildcards, single file erase
cf_era: call scnfcb
ret z ; no wildcards allowed
ld de,fcb
ld c,open
call usrbds ; open the file
ld a,(fcb + 10)
add a,a
ret c ; if it's R/O stop now
ld de,fcb
ld c,erase
jp usrbds ; otherwise erase it
; copy file routine
call gettwo ; get two fcb's - one to fcb, one to auxfcb
ret c ; exit on an error
ld de,fcb
ld c,open
call usrbds ; open file1
inc a
ret z ; not there: exit
ld de,auxfcb
ld c,open
call usrbds ; open file2
inc a
ret nz ; is there: exit
ld de,auxfcb
ld c,create
call usrbds ; create file2
inc a
ret z ; create failed: exit
ld de,xbuff
ld c,setdma
call bdos ; set dma address
cplp: ld de,fcb
ld c,read
call usrbds ; read a sector
or a
jr nz,copied ; all done
ld de,auxfcb
ld c,write
call usrbds ; write it back
or a
jr z,cplp ; exit if write failed
copied: ld de,auxfcb
ld c,close
jp usrbds ; close output file
; parse two filenames, separated by an '=' sign
gettwo: call scnfcb ; get one
ret z ; exit w/ carry if wildcards
call byp
cp '=' ; need an '='
ret nz ; not there: exit
push hl
call xferax ; shift it to auxfcb
pop hl
inc hl
call scnfcb ; get a second
ret z ; exit with carry on an error
or a
ret ; else clear carry for OK
; !@ evaluation subroutine
.extern eval
call areabu ; set to read the string
sub 'A' ; get the variable number
cp 26
jr nc,eerr0 ; not legal, exit now
call ivar
push de ; save it's address
inc hl
call scan ; scan a term
jr c,eerr1 ; no good - exit
push af ; save the value
call byp
cp '-'
jr z,opok
xor '+' ; check the operator
jr nz,eerr2
opok: push af ; save the operator (zero for '+', nz for '-')
inc hl
call scan ; get a second term
jr nc,s2ok ; all OK, go set the variable
pop de
eerr2: pop de
eerr1: pop de ; clean up the stack
eerr0: call ilprt
db 'Bad expression: \0'
call dim ; tell the user
ld hl,0x80
call prtslp
jp crlf ; and return
s2ok: ld l,a ; second term to l
pop bc ; operator to b
pop af ; first term to a
dec b
inc b ; zero => '+'
jr z,addem ; go do it
sub l
sub l ; setup for subtraction
addem: add a,l ; do the addition
pop hl ; restore variable address
ld (hl),a ; save result
; !# test routine: compare variables with other variables or numbers
.extern test
call areabu
sub 'A' ; get the variable
cp 26
jr nc,eerr0 ; exit on an error
call ivar
ld a,(de) ; get te value
push af ; save it
call incbyp ; get the operator
cp '<'
jr z,cmpok
cp '>'
jr z,cmpok
cp '#'
jr z,cmpok
xor '='
jr nz,eerr1 ; exit if it's no good
cmpok: push af ; save the operator
inc hl
call scan ; get the term
jr c,eerr2 ; something wrong, exit
ld e,a ; term to e
pop af ; restore the operator
or a
jr nz,nocpe ; z => '=' => equality
pop af
cp e ; test for equality
ret nz ; exit if no good
jr doskip ; go do the goto
; this is here for jr length reasons
cplt: pop af
cp e ; compare
skipnc: ret nc ; if it failed exit now
; jump to a line number
doskip: call scnnum ; get the number to go to
pop hl ; get return address back
pop de ; get the next line
dec a ; save it away (needs to be -1)
push af ; save the new line away
jp (hl) ; jump to return address
nocpe: cp '#' ; '#' => inequality
jr nz,nocpne
pop af ; restore variable value
cp e
ret z ; exit if test failed
jr doskip ; else do the goto
nocpne: cp '>'
jr nz,cplt ; '>' => greater than
pop af ; var to a
ld d,a ; and to d
ld a,e ; term to e
cp d ; and compare
jr skipnc ; go check the result
; initch - do odd bits and pieces of setup for chat operation
.extern initch
initch: ld a,1
ld (opentr),a ; clear number of open tries
.extern clrvar
ld a,'A'
ld (_check_),a
ld hl,vars ; nuke all variables to zero
ld de,vars + 1
ld bc,26 + 9 + 26 ; 26 numbers, plus 35 strings 0 - 9 & a - z
ld (hl),b ; start with a zero from b
dec b ; b comes out of the ldir w/ zero: dec to -1
ld (hl),b ; -1 byte to end strings
ld bc,512 - 9 - 27
ldir ; fill remaining space with -1's
ivar: push hl ; save hl
ld l,a
ld h,0 ; offset in a to hl
ld de,vars
add hl,de ; index into table
ex de,hl ; swap to de
pop hl ; restore hl
scan: call byp
or 0x20
sub 'a' ; was it a letter?
cp 26
jr nc,scnnum ; no, go see about a number
inc hl ; step over it
call ivar ; index into array
ld a,(de) ; get the value
ret ; and return - carry cleared by ivar
scnnum: ld e,0
call byp ; find the number
snlp: ld a,(hl) ; get char back
sub '0'
cp 10 ; number?
ret c ; return if not
ld d,a ; save in d
ld a,e
add a,a
add a,a
add a,e
add a,a ; a = e * 10
add a,d ; + d
ld e,a
inc hl
ld a,(hl) ; next letter
cp '-'
jr z,rete
cp '+'
jr z,rete ; + and - are legal delimiters
or ' '
xor ' ' ; so are ' ' and null
rete: ld a,e ; get value from e
jr nz,snlp
ret ; return, carry clear from compare
; mattog - handle !& toggles: 'm' & 'l' for matches, 'o' for modem output echo
.extern mattog
mattog: call areabu ; get command letter and upper case it
cp 'O'
ld c,op_bit ; 'O' - do output bit
jr z,dotog
cp 'L'
ld c,lf_bit ; 'L' - do looking for message bit
jr z,dotog
cp 'M' ; 'M' - do match bit
ret nz
ld c,mat_bit
dotog: call incbyp ; now look for a char to say what to do
ld hl,mode ; point hl at mode byte
or a
jr z,xorit ; nothing: toggle the bit
cp '0'
jr nz,clrit ; not '0': clear the bit to enable
ld a,(hl)
or c ; otherwise set it
jr smret
clrit: ld a,c
cpl ; toggle bit in c
and (hl) ; clear the bit in questin
jr smret
xorit: ld a,(hl)
xor c ; flip the bit
smret: ld (hl),a ; save and we're done
; messag - process a !> printout
.extern messag
messag: call areabp ; point at first non-white
ld de,packet ; somewhere to put it
push de
ld bc,128 << 8 ; 128 chars max, and eoln is the delimiter
call parst ; crunch up the string
pop hl
jp prtslp ; and dump it out
; fileio - process !( r/w commands to read / write variables from the file
.extern fileio
call areabu ; get R or W
cp 'R'
jr z,setrd
cp 'W'
ret nz
ld a,34 ; write random
db 0x11 ; ld de,XXXX - kills ld a below
setrd: ld a,33 ; read random
ld (hibit),a ; save it away for later
call incbyp
or 0x20
sub 'a'
cp 26
ret nc ; check valid string name
push af ; save string index
call incbyp
sub '0' ; number zero to nine for file record
ld hl,lbrs ; get /QTERM.LBR as a filename
push af
call scnfcb ; parse into 0x5b
pop af
ld hl,['T' << 8] + 'S'
ld (0x65),hl ; convert extent from LBR to STR
ld hl,(chtusr)
inc h
ld (0x5b),hl ; set drive / user
ld hl,0x68 ; point hl / de at nulls
ld de,0x69
ld bc,0xff - 0x68 ; clear to end of name
ld (0x7d),a ; save record number now
ld de,0x5b
ld c,15
call usrbds ; open it
pop de
inc a
ret z ; exit if no good
ld a,d
add a,9
call fparam ; point at string
ld de,0x80
push de ; save string address to read from
push hl ; save string address in table
push de ; and read address again
ld b,d
ld c,0x7f
ldir ; shift the string
pop de ; address to de
ld c,26
call bdos ; set dma
ld bc,(hibit) ; r/w BDOS opcode to c
ld de,0x5b
push de
call usrbds ; do the operation
pop de
ld c,16
call usrbds ; close the file
pop hl
jr repstr ; replace string in table
; sinput - handle two cases of input processing for !<
.extern sinput
sinput: call areabp ; get the command character
ld d,a ; command char to d
call incbyp ; get variable / string letter
call ucsa ; upper case it
sub 'A'
cp 26 ; is it valid?
ret nc ; nope
ld e,a ; letter code to e
ld a,d ; command char back from d
xor '-'
jr z,strin ; '-' for string input
xor '.' ^ '-'
ret nz ; '.' for hot key input
ld d,a ; make code in e fill de
push de ; save
call kbdin ; go get a character
pop de
ld hl,vars
add hl,de ; index into variables
ld (hl),a ; save the letter
strin: ld d,e
push de
ld de,work2 ; point at input area
ld a,40
ld (de),a ; 40 chars maximum
ld c,10
call bdos ; go get them
call crlf ; throw a new line just for the hell of it
ld hl,work2 + 1
ld e,(hl) ; get the length
inc hl ; point at real text
pop af
push hl
ld d,0 ; extend length to de
add hl,de ; point at end of string
ld (hl),d ; add a null terminating byte
savstr: add a,9 ; get string index to a
call fparam ; point at string
repstr: call kilstr ; kill it
xor a
pop de
jp insstr ; and replace it
; now starts the middle of the "read string variable from modem" code - this
; is kinda cut to shreds for jr length reasons - we enter at the bottom and
; leave via savstr above
; the very end - we've read the string, now it's time to save it
gotit: inc de ; point back to start
push de ; save this point for later
ld h,d
ld l,e ; copy to hl
kcclp: ld a,(hl) ; get a char
and 0x7f ; nuke bit 7
ld (de),a ; save it
inc hl ; bump read ptr
or a
jr z,hsav ; exit on a null
cp ' '
jr c,kcclp ; ditch control chars
cp 0x7f
jr z,kcclp ; and deletes
inc de ; otherwise step up to allow saved character
jr kcclp
hsav: ld a,(hibit) ; get string number
jr savstr ; go and save it
; now the loop to find the start
stlp: call redsch ; check a character
jr z,wasec ; check for end character
ld a,(de) ; no - we'll want to save original char back
wasec: ld c,a ; save char to save
push hl
ld h,l ; load start char into h
call chksch ; did we find it?
pop hl
ld a,c
ld (de),a ; drop terminator in
jr z,gotit ; yes - go save it away
djnz stlp ; count chars
ret ; return when we run out chars
; ![ ^ a c1c2
; After ![ - and ![ : and normal lines have left text in w2 (a la stufw2),
; parse a string starting with c1 (but not including it), and ending with c2
; (again not including it) - save in string a. If c1 (or c2) are a null
; then the string becomes any whitespace delimited string: whitespace is
; taken as ' ', tab, cr, lf. Note also that all control characters are
; thrown away.
ipstr: call ucsahl
sub 'A' ; convert .....
cp 26 ; and test string index
ret nc
ld (hibit),a ; save it
call incbyp ; step up to delimiter chars
push hl
ld hl,work2 + 257
ld de,packet
ld bc,66
pop hl
ld de,pack + 1 ; save them in pack
ld b,2 ; two, null terminates
xor a
ld (de),a ; preload chars with two nulls
dec de
ld (de),a
call parst ; crunch up the string
ld hl,(pack) ; load delimiters from where parst put them
ld bc,64 << 8 ; max of 64 chars to look at / c == 0
ld de,packet + 65 ; point de at saved text
; now loop looking for the end
endlp: call redsch ; check a character
jr nz,noend ; check for end character
inc c ; flag we saw an end char
ld (de),a ; add a zero to terminate
jr cntend ; jump to count
noend: dec c
inc c
jr nz,stlp ; we've seen an end - go do it
cntend: djnz endlp ; count chars
ret ; return when we run out chars
; handle ![ multiple choice thingies from the modem
.extern multi
call areabp ; what's wanted?
ld c,a ; save the second character
call incbyp ; strip spaces
xor a
ld (casefl),a
ld a,c
cp '^'
jr z,ipstr
cp ':'
jp z,silnce
cp '-' ; '-' input ......
jr z,minput
xor '+' ; '+' for 8 bit string compare
jr z,str8b
cp '=' ^ '+' ; '=' for 7 bit
jr z,str7b
cp '_' ^ '+' ; '_' for 7 bit and case insensitive
ret nz ; oops - don't grok it.
ld (casefl),a ; set case flag
str7b: ld a,0x7f ; set 7 bit flag
db 0x06 ; makes the next byte the operand of a ld b,xx
str8b: dec a ; really ld a,0xff since a == 0:
; set all 8 bits
push af ; save comparison mask
ld de,packet ; somewhere to put match string
ld bc,[40 << 8] + ' ' ; 40 chars max, space is the delimiter
call parst ; crunch up the string
pop bc ; comparison mask back to b
ret c ; oops - bad string
push hl
ld hl,work2 + 322 ; point at stuff we read ..... (don't ask why
mclp: dec hl ; it's there :-)
ld a,(hl) ; end of string yet?
or a
pop de ; keep stack safe
ret z ; end of string: exit
push de ; save word back on stack
ld de,packet
call cmptst ; do we have a match??
jr nz,mclp ; skip if no good
push hl
cmplp: ld a,(de)
or a ; end of string we're searching for?
jr nz,mtchmo ; yes - we got a hit
pop hl
pop hl ; get string pointer back to hl
doskp1: jp doskip
mtchmo: call cmptst
jr nz,mchbad ; oops - didn't match, so exit now
inc hl
inc de
jr cmplp ; and back for more
mchbad: pop hl ; restore pointer
jr mclp ; and back for more
minput: call scnnum ; get a time
or a
jr nz,timok
ld a,15 ; none given, default to 15 seconds
timok: push af
push hl
ld hl,work2
ld de,work2 + 1
ld bc,512
ld (hl),c
ldir ; clear space where strings will live
pop hl
call byp
or a
jr z,nostr ; no strings, all done
ld de,work2 + 1
ld b,4
sslp: push bc
call scanst ; scan a string
inc de
pop bc
jr c,nostr ; exit if end of input
djnz sslp ; otherwise loop till 4 read
nostr: ld hl,work2 + 1
call finstr ; get address of it's end
ld (work2 + 240),hl ; and save it
ld hl,work2 + 42
call finstr
ld (work2 + 242),hl ; and for string 2
ld hl,work2 + 83
call finstr
ld (work2 + 244),hl ; and 3
ld hl,work2 + 124
call finstr
ld (work2 + 246),hl ; and 4
pop af ; get time back
ld c,a ; save it
second: dec c
ret z ; all out of time - exit
ld de,600
call setspd ; set the speed
qrtrms: ld b,96 ; hang loose a while
qmslp: djnz qmslp
push hl
push bc
call procch
jr c,nochar
call stufw2 ; save the char
inc de
ld hl,(work2 + 240)
call chkbak ; did we get string1
jr z,gotone ; exit if so
ld hl,(work2 + 242)
call chkbak ; string 2?
jr z,gotone ; exit if so
ld hl,(work2 + 244)
call chkbak ; string 3
jr z,gotone ; exit if so
ld hl,(work2 + 246)
call chkbak ; and lastly check string 4
jr z,gotone
nochar: pop bc
pop hl
dec hl ; count down second timer
ld a,h
or l
jr nz,qrtrms
jr second ; loop back
gotone: pop bc
pop hl
.extern stufw2
stufw2: ld hl,work2 + 258
ld de,work2 + 257
ld bc,64
ld (de),a ; save the character
.extern clerw2
clerw2: ld hl,work2 + 256
ld de,work2 + 257
ld bc,70
ld (hl),b
finstr: ld a,(hl)
or a
ret z
inc hl
jr finstr
chkbak: dec hl
ld a,(hl)
inc hl
or a
jr nz,isastr
inc a
isastr: push de
cklp: dec de
dec hl
ld a,(hl)
or a
jr z,pdret
ld a,(de)
xor (hl)
and 0x7f
jr z,cklp
pdret: pop de
cmptst: ld a,(casefl)
or a ; case insensitive?
push af ; save z flag
ld a,(de)
jr z,noucs1 ; nope - use the character as is
and 0x7f
call ucsa ; force upper case
noucs1: ld c,a
pop af ; get z flag back for case insensitive
ld a,(hl)
jr z,noucs2
and 0x7f
call ucsa ; mask and force upper case
noucs2: xor c ; get in the rest of it
and b ; mask as necessary
silnce: call scnnum ; get a time
or a
jr nz,stimok
ld a,15 ; none given, default to 15 seconds
stimok: call clerw2
ld b,a
inc b
setsil: ld c,b
xsecnd: dec c
ret z
push bc
ld de,600
call setspd ; set the speed
xrtrms: ld b,96 ; hang loose a while
xmslp: djnz xmslp
push hl
call procch
pop hl
jr c,xnchar
call stufw2
pop bc
jr setsil
xnchar: dec hl ; cound down second
ld a,h
or l
jr nz,xrtrms
pop bc
jr xsecnd ; loop back
; read a char, and see if it matches the delimiter in c
redsch: dec de
chksch: ld a,(de)
and 0x7f ; nuke parity
inc h
dec h ; is h zero?
jr nz,nowsp ; no - don't do white space check
call iswa ; is it white space?
ccf ; clear carry
ret nz ; return nz if not (no match)
xor a ; clear a so 'cp h' below forces zero
nowsp: xor h ; see if char matches delimiter
.extern mode
mode: db lf_bit
casefl: ds 1 ; case insensitive string match?
.extern vars
vars: ds 26 ; space for 'a' through 'z'
.extern strngs
strngs: ds 512 ; space for 35 strings
.extern _check_
ds 1 ; check space