Fork 0

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; file.z - file handling odds and ends
.incl "c:vars"
.extern gofil ; get a filename, and open into auxfcb
call gauxfc ; get a filename, parse in aux fcb
ret c ; esc - exit now
jr z,nowc ; no wildcards
.extern opnaux
xor a
call clrw2 ; set pointers for read
ld de,auxfcb
ld c,open ; open the file
call usrbds
add a,1
ret nc ; return now if open ok
ld a,(scning)
add a,a
ret c
.extern fnferr
fnferr: call ilprt ; beef and complain about file not found
db 'File not found\r\n\0'
.extern nowc
.extern nowcp
call ilprt
db 'Can\'t handle wildcards\r\n\0'
.extern gauxfc
call getfcb ; get a filename to fcb at 0x5b
push af ; save return status in carry
call byp
ld (ppp),hl ; save pointer for chat
pop af ; restore carry
.extern xferax
xferax: ; transfer fcb at fbc to auxfcb
ld bc,34 ; load the registers
.extern xferaz
ld hl,fcb
ld de,auxfcb
ldir ; and copy to auxfcb
.extern getfcb
call prompt
db 'Filename? \0' ; prompt and input
ld a,(ipbuf)
cp '\e' ; carry?
ret z ; return now with carry if so
ld hl,ipbuf
.extern scnfcb ; parse a fcb at hl to 0x5b
call byp ; step over any spaces
push hl
ld hl,fcb
ld de,fcb + 1
ld bc,33
ld (hl),b
ldir ; fill fcb with zeros
ld bc,(curusr)
inc b ; bump logged drive for fcb
ld (fcb),bc ; drop in user and drive now
pop hl ; get input pointer to hl
push hl ; but save it again
call ucsahl ; get (possible) drive spec to a
cp 'A'
jr c,trynum
cp 'P' + 1 ; valid drive letter?
jr nc,respar
sub '@'
ld b,a ; save the drive in b
inc hl
ld a,(hl) ; get the next letter
cp ':' ; is it a ':'?
jr z,usebc ; yes, only drive was given: use what we have
trynum: sub '0'
cp 10 ; do we have a valid digit?
jr nc,respar ; no - reset and ignore whole mess
scnusr: ld c,a ; save in c
inc hl
ld a,(hl) ; get the next letter
cp ':' ; is it a ':'?
jr z,usebc ; yes - we got a user: go process it all
sub '0'
cp 10
jr nc,respar ; oops - not a number: reset and ignore
ld e,a ; current digit to e
ld a,c
add a,a
add a,a
add a,c
add a,a ; a = c * 10
add a,e ; + e
and 0x1f ; and 0x1f gives updated user number
jr scnusr ; loop back for another go
usebc: inc hl ; point at char after ':'
ex (sp),hl ; save on stack
ld (fcb),bc ; save new drive / user codes away
respar: pop hl ; hl points at filename
ld de,fcb + 2 ; point de at name area
ld b,8
call scanfn ; parse the filenane
ld a,(hl)
cp '.' ; '.' => extension
jr nz,nodot
inc hl ; step over it
nodot: ld b,3
call scanfn ; parse it
push hl ; save pointer to text
ld hl,fcb + 2
ld a,'?' ; check for '?'s in the fcb (wildcards)
ld bc,11
pop hl ; restore text pointer
ret ; with z flag set for a match
scanfn: call ucsahl ; get a char
or a ; exit on a zero byte
jr z,gotnam
cp '.' ; or a '.'
jr z,gotnam
cp ' ' ; or a ' '
jr z,gotnam
inc hl ; move input pointer
dec b
inc b ; test b
jr z,scanfn ; loop back if zero
ld (de),a ; save char in fcb
cp '*' ; '*'?
jr z,gotstr ; handle elsewhere if so
inc de ; move output pointer
dec b ; one less char to go
jr scanfn
gotnam: dec b ; decrease b till all done
ret m
ld a,' ' ; get a space
ld (de),a ; put it in fcb
inc de ; and move pointer
jr gotnam
gotstr: ld a,'?' ; put in a '?'
ld (de),a
inc de ; move pointer
djnz gotstr ; loop till all full of '?'s
jr scanfn ; continue parse
.extern areabu
areabu: call areabp ; do an areabp, and ucsa the char
.extern ucsahl
ucsahl: ld a,(hl) ; get char at hl
.extern ucsa
ucsa: cp 'a'
ret c ; return if it's below 'a'
cp 'z' + 1
ret nc ; or if it's above 'z'
and 0x5f ; force lower case
; scnwld - enter with hl pointing at a filename, and add the list of
; matching filenames to the list at fnbrpt / fnbspt
.extern scnwld
call byp ; strip leading space
push hl ; save hl
call scnfcb ; get a filename
call xferax ; transfer to auxfcb
ld hl,(auxfcb)
ld (newusr),hl ; keep a copy of the drive and user
ld de,auxlin
ld c,setdma
call bdos ; set dma to auxlin (seems like a safe place)
ld c,srchf ; do a search first first time
scnlp: ld de,auxfcb
call usrbds ; any more names?
inc a
jr z,scannd ; exit if not
rrca ; a *= 32
ld de,(fnbspt)
ld hl,work + 1024 ; out of room?
or a
sbc hl,de
jr z,nosav ; skip if so - that's 64 filenames anyway!
ld hl,(newusr) ; get drive and user
ex de,hl
ld (hl),e
inc hl
ld (hl),d ; and install them
inc hl
ex de,hl ; save save pointer in de
ld l,a
ld h,0
ld bc,auxlin - 31 ; -32 because of the inc a above
add hl,bc ; hl now points at name portion
ld bc,14 ; 11 chars to transfer, + 3 for spacing
ldir ; move them characters
ld (fnbspt),de ; put save pointer back away
nosav: ld c,srchn ; go look for next name
jr scnlp
scannd: pop hl ; restore string pointer
; and step over filename to next one
.extern unbyp ; move a string pointer in hl to the end of
unbyp: ; the current word
ld a,(hl)
cp ' '
ret z ; stop when we hit a space
or a
ret z ; or a zero
inc hl
jr unbyp
.extern getlin ; read a line of data from file
ld de,auxlin ; we'll save data in auxlin
gallp: xor a
ld (de),a ; set zero for end of line
push de
call getw2c ; get a character
pop de
ret c ; return carry on physical end of file
cp 0x1a
ret z ; or logical end of file
cp 0x0d
jr z,glstrp ; end of line - stip trailing blanks
cp 0x7f
jr z,gallp ; ignore deletes
cp ' '
jr c,gallp ; and other control characters
ld (de),a ; save it
ld hl,auxlin + 127
or a
sbc hl,de ; check line length
jr z,gallp
inc de ; and bump pointer if not at end of line
jr gallp
glstrp: ld hl,auxlin
or a
sbc hl,de ; did we hit the start of the line?
ret z ; return if so
dec de
ld a,(de) ; look at previous character
xor ' ' ; is it a space?
ret nz ; no - leave it and return
ld (de),a ; else turn it into a zero
jr glstrp
.extern print ; print a local file to the remote
call gofil ; get and open file
ret c ; exit now on an error
ld a,0x7f
ld (b7flag),a ; set flag to strip bit 7
ld a,2
ld (cscqfl),a ; enable ctrl ^S ^Q spotting
plp: call lstmod ; check incoming chars
call kbdcc ; check the keyboard
cp 'x' & 0x1f ; quit on a typed ^X
jr z,prsent
ld a,(cscqfl) ; ^S seen?
jr c,plp ; yes, so loop for a while
call getw2c ; get next char to send
jr c,prsent ; exit on physical end of file
and 0x7f
cp 0x1a
jr z,prsent ; or logical end of file
cp '\n'
jr nz,nonlin ; not a linefeed
ld a,(lflg)
or a ; are we sending these?
plpz: jr z,plp ; it gets thrown if disabled
ld a,'\n'
cp ' '
jr c,sendit ; if it's a control char, no echo check
ld hl,ecflg
inc (hl)
dec (hl) ; echo check enabled?
jr z,sendit ; nope - send as is
inc hl
ld (hl),a ; save echo check value
sendit: push af ; save the char
call modop ; send it
ld a,(chd) ; get the character delay
ld e,a
ld d,0 ; to de
pop af
cp '\r' ; did we just send a return?
jr nz,pwait ; nope - handle char delay / echo check
ld de,(nld) ; get new line delay
ld a,(lfecho) ; linefeed echo enabled?
ld (ecval),a ; save it if so
ld (lfwflg),a ; set linefeed wait flag if needed
pwait: call setspd ; make a clock dependant value in hl
add hl,hl ; and double it
ld a,h
or l
jr nz,pwlp
inc l ; minimum 1
pwlp: push hl
call lstmod ; keep an eye on returning chars
pop hl
ld a,(ecval) ; echo check in progress?
dec a
jr z,ecok ; we got the needed char - break
dec hl
ld a,h
or l ; count hl down
jr nz,pwlp
ecok: ld (ecval),a ; set echo check value to zero
ld hl,lfwflg ; look at linefeed wait flag
ld a,(hl)
ld de,100 ; 100 ms delay in de (prototype)
ld (hl),d ; turn linefeed wait flag off
or a ; test original value
jr z,plpz ; back to send next character if not there
jr pwait ; back to wait again for the extra 1/10th sec.
prsent: call ilprt
db '\r\nSent\r\n\0'
jr cb7
.extern type ; type a file locally
call gofil ; get and open the file
ret c ; quit now on an error
ld a,0x7f
ld (b7flag),a ; set flag to strip bit 7
call dim ; dim mode
call clrpsp
tlp: call getw2c ; get a character
jr c,teof ; exit on eof
cp 0x1a
jr z,teof ; and on CP/M eof char
call limitc
jr c,tlp
ld (lco),a ; save in last char
call tabexp ; type it
jr nc,tlp ; loop unless ^X cancelled
teof: ld a,(lco)
cp '\n'
call nz,crlf ; output a newline if needed
call bright ; back to bright
cb7: xor a
ld (cscqfl),a ; clear ^S ^Q flag
dec a ; effectively ld a,0xff
ld (b7flag),a ; clear bit 7 zap mask
.extern newdsk
call prompt
db 'Drive? \0' ; prompt and input
ld hl,ipbuf ; parse a full fcb, although we only want
call scnfcb ; drive and user
ld hl,(fcb) ; get new values
dec h ; set drive correct
ld (curusr),hl ; and save them
.extern reset ; reset: simply reset CP/M to remove R/O
reset: ; status on changed disks
ld a,(cflg)
or a ; catch file open?
ld c,rescpm
jr z,zbdos ; nope, full reset
ld a,(cfcb + 1) ; get catch file drive
ld hl,fcb + 1
cp (hl) ; same as reset drive?
ret z ; yes, exit now
dec a
ld e,a
ld c,seldrv ; select chat file drive
call bdos
ld a,(fcb + 1) ; get reset drive
ld hl,1 ; set hl to 1
ld c,logdrv
shlp: dec a ; count down
zbdos: jp z,bdos ; jump to bdos when done
add hl,hl
jr shlp
.extern b7flag
b7flag: db 0xff
.extern cscqfl
cscqfl: db 0
.extern lfecho
lfecho: db 0
.extern ecflg
ecflg: db 0
.extern ecval
ecval: db 0
lfwflg: db 0
lco: ds 1
.extern curusr
curusr: ds 1
.extern curdrv
curdrv: ds 1
.extern auxfcb
auxfcb: ds 37
.extern auxlin
auxlin: ds 128
.extern script
script: ds 1024
.extern scrwrk
scrwrk: ds 3072
.extern work
work: ds 1536