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; kutil.z - kermit utilities, and all the data storage
.incl "c:kermit"
.var EOF -1
.var PACK -2
.extern spack
ld hl,packet
push hl
push af
ld a,(pad)
or a
jr z,nospad
push bc
ld b,a
padlp: ld a,(padchr)
push bc
call modopc
pop bc
djnz padlp
pop bc
nospad: ld a,SOH
call cputc
xor a
ld h,a
ld l,a
ld (hdchk),a
ld (chksum),hl
dec b
inc b
jr nz,sxthdr
ld a,(cktyp) ; '1' '2' or '3'
add a,e
add a,0xf2 - ' '
sxthdr: call cputcs ; len
ld a,c
call cputcs ; number
pop af
call cputc ; type
ld a,b
or a
jr z,nolhdr
push de
ex de,hl
ld a,(cktyp)
sub '0'
setxpl: inc hl
dec a
jr nz,setxpl
ld de,-95
ld a,d
div95: inc a
add hl,de
jr c,div95
sbc hl,de
push hl
call cputcs
pop de
ld a,e
call cputcs
ld hl,hdchk
call finchk
call cputcs
pop de
ld a,d
nolhdr: or e
jr z,scksum
sdatlp: pop hl
ld a,(hl)
inc hl
push hl
call cputc
dec de
ld a,d
or e
jr nz,sdatlp
scksum: pop hl
call fincrc
ld a,(cktyp)
cp '3'
jr nz,sck2
ld a,(chksum + 1)
and 0x0f
add a,' '
call modopc
ld a,'2'
sck2: cp '2'
jr nz,sck1
ld hl,(chksum)
add hl,hl
add hl,hl
ld a,h
and 0x3f
add a,' '
call modopc
sck1: ld a,(chksum)
and 0x3f
add a,' '
call modopc
call flsrng
ld a,(eol)
call modopc
ld a,'q' & 0x1f
jp modopc
.extern rpack
call kgettc
jr c,retf3
cp SOH
jr nz,rpack
recplp: xor a
ld h,a
ld l,a
ld (chksum),hl
ld (hdchk),a
call cinchr
jr c,retf3
cp SOH
jr z,recplp
ld hl,cktyp
sub (hl)
sub 0xf2
ld e,a ; length to de
ld d,0
call cinchr
jr c,retf3
cp SOH
jr z,recplp
sub ' '
ld c,a ; number to c
call cinchr
jr c,retf3
cp SOH
jr z,recplp
ld b,a ; type to b
ld a,e
and 0x80 ; extended packet?
jr z,indat
call rxthdr
retf2: jr c,retf3
jr z,recplp
ld a,(cktyp)
sub '0'
setlpl: dec de
dec a
jr nz,setlpl
indat: ld a,e
or d
ld hl,packet
jr z,nodat
push de
gdatlp: call cinchr
jr c,retf3
cp SOH
recpl1: jr z,recplp
ld (hl),a
inc hl
dec de
ld a,d
or e
jr nz,gdatlp
pop de
nodat: ld (hl),a
call fincrc
ld a,(cktyp)
cp '3'
jr nz,rck2
call kgettc
retf3: jr c,retf
cp SOH
jr z,recpl1
ld e,a
ld a,(chksum + 1)
and 0x0f
add a,' '
xor e
and 0x7f
jr nz,csmerr
ld a,'2'
rck2: cp '2'
jr nz,rck1
call kgettc
jr c,retf
cp SOH
jr z,recpl1
ld e,a
ld hl,(chksum)
add hl,hl
add hl,hl
ld a,h
and 0x3f
add a,' '
xor e
and 0x7f
jr nz,csmerr
rck1: call kgettc
jr c,retf
cp SOH
jr z,recpl1
ld e,a
ld a,(chksum)
and 0x3f
add a,' '
xor e
and 0x7f
jr z,cksmok
csmerr: call dcheck
retf1: ld b,0
adjsiz: ld hl,(cspsiz)
ld a,h
or a
ld de,-16
jr nz,decsiz
ld a,l
cp MINPSIZ + 5
jr c,nodec
ld e,-4
decsiz: add hl,de
ld (cspsiz),hl
nodec: ld a,b
retf: call dtime
jr retf1
cksmok: call flsrng
ld a,b
cp 'Y'
jr nz,adjsiz
ld de,(cspsiz)
ld hl,(spsiz)
sbc hl,de
ret z
inc de
ld (cspsiz),de
rxthdr: call cinchr
ret c
cp SOH
ret z
sub ' '
ld e,a
call cinchr
ret c
cp SOH
ret z
sub ' '
call mul95
ex de,hl
ld hl,hdchk
call finchk
push af
call cinchr
sub ' '
pop hl
cp h
jr nz,rxerr
xor a
inc a
rxerr: pop hl
jr csmerr
cinchr: push de
push hl
call kgettc
push af
call kcrcch
pop af
pop hl
pop de
cputcs: add a,' '
cputc: push de
push bc
push af
call modopc
pop af
pop bc
pop de
kcrcch: push bc
ld c,a
ld hl,hdchk
add a,(hl)
ld (hl),a
ld a,(cktyp)
cp '3'
jr z,kcrc3
ld hl,(chksum)
ld b,0
add hl,bc
ld (chksum),hl
pop bc
kcrc3: push de
call dou1
ld a,c
ld c,a
call dou1
pop de
pop bc
dou1: ld hl,chksum + 1
xor a
dec hl
xor c
and 0x0f
add a,a
push hl
ld l,a
ld h,0
ld de,kctab
add hl,de
ex de,hl
pop hl
ld a,(de)
inc de
xor (hl)
ld (hl),a
inc hl
ld a,(de)
xor (hl)
ld (hl),a
fincrc: ld a,(cktyp)
cp '1'
ret nz
ld hl,chksum
finchk: ld a,(hl)
and 3
add a,(hl)
and 0x3f
ld (hl),a
.extern bufill
bufill: ld bc,0
ld hl,packet
bufilp: call getpc
jr nc,nopack
cp EOF
jr nz,noteof
ld a,b
or c
ret nz
dec a
noteof: ld a,(pack)
ld (hl),a
inc hl
inc bc
call getpc
ld (hl),a
inc hl
inc bc
call getpc
nopack: ld e,a
ld a,(use8)
or a
jr nz,nohib
ld a,(hibit)
or a
jr z,nohib1
bit 7,e
jr z,nohib
ld (hl),a
inc hl
inc bc
nohib1: res 7,e
nohib: ld a,e
and 0x7f
cp ' '
jr c,xorqt
cp DEL
jr z,xorqt
ld a,(quote)
cp e
jr z,doquot
ld a,(hibit)
cp e
jr z,doquot
ld a,(pack)
cp e
jr z,doquot
jr noquot
xorqt: ld a,e
xor 64
ld e,a
doquot: ld a,(quote)
ld (hl),a
inc hl
inc bc
noquot: ld (hl),e
inc hl
inc bc
push hl
ld hl,(cspsiz)
xor a
sbc hl,bc
ex de,hl
pop hl
or d
jr nz,bufilp
ld a,e
cp 6
jr nc,bufilp
ld a,(status)
dec a
jr z,bufilp
dec a
jr z,bufilp
.extern getpc
push hl
push bc
ld a,(pack)
or a
jr nz,canpak
call kgw2
jr poprt1
canpak: ld hl,status
ld a,(hl)
or a
jr nz,stsnz
ld (hl),3
ld de,data
ld b,6
fildat: push de
push bc
call kgw2
pop bc
pop de
ld (de),a
inc de
sbc a,a
ld (de),a
inc de
djnz fildat
stsnz: ld hl,status
ld a,(hl)
cp 3
jr z,stsno3
dec (hl)
reteof: add a,a
ld l,a
ld h,0
ld de,data + 1
add hl,de
ld a,(hl)
add a,a
dec hl
ld a,(hl)
poprt1: jr popret
stsno3: ld hl,(data)
ld a,h
jr c,popret
ld a,l
ld hl,data + 2
ld b,5
ckpk: cp (hl)
jr nz,nopak
inc hl
bit 7,(hl)
jr nz,nopak
inc hl
djnz ckpk
ld a,2
ld (status),a
ld bc,[MAXPSIZ - 6 << 8] + 6
packlp: push bc
call kgw2
pop bc
jr c,packed
ld hl,data
cp (hl)
jr z,nopkef
call gw2pb
jr packed
nopkef: inc c
djnz packlp
packed: ld a,c
add a,' '
ld (data + 4),a
ld a,PACK
jr popret
nopak: ld de,data + 1
ld hl,data + 2
ld bc,10
ld a,(de)
add a,a
dec de
ld a,(de)
push af
call kgw2
ld l,a
sbc a,a
ld h,a
ld (data + 10),hl
pop af
popret: pop bc
pop hl
kgw2: call getw2c
jr c,kgeof
ld hl,(ktxt)
inc l
dec l
ret nz
cp 0x1a
jr nz,clcra
kgeof: sbc a,a
clcra: or a
.extern kresgp
xor a
ld (status),a
.extern bufemp
ld hl,packet
bufmpl: ld a,(hl)
inc hl
or a
ret z
ld bc,0x0100
ld e,a
ld a,(pack)
or a
jr z,nobepk
cp e
jr nz,nobepk
ld a,(hl)
inc hl
sub ' '
ld b,a
ld e,(hl)
inc hl
nobepk: ld d,0xff
ld a,(use8)
or a
jr nz,nobehb
ld d,0x7f
ld a,(hibit)
cp e
jr nz,nobehb
ld c,0x80
ld e,(hl)
inc hl
nobehb: ld a,e
and d
jr nz,nobeqt
ld a,(hl)
and d
ld e,a
and 0x7f
ld d,a
inc hl
ld a,e
jr z,nobeqt
ld a,(hibit)
cp d
ld a,e
jr z,nobeqt
ld a,(pack)
cp d
ld a,e
jr z,nobeqt
xor 64
nobeqt: or c
push hl
oplp: push af
push bc
call putw2c
pop bc
pop af
djnz oplp
pop hl
jr bufmpl
mydata: db MAXPSIZ + ' '
db MYTIME + ' '
db MYPAD + ' '
db MYPCHAR ^ 64
db MYEOL + ' '
hba: db MYHIBIT
cka: db '3'
pka: db MYPACK
capas: db '"' ; just long packets
windo: db ' ' ; no windowing
maxl1: db ' ' + [1015 / 95] ; packet length == 1015
maxl2: db ' ' + [1015 % 95] ; packet length == 1015
.extern spar
ld de,packet
ld hl,mydata
ld bc,{emdat - mydata}
ld a,(ksflg) ; receive mode?
or a
jr z,sparr ; yes - handle spar stuff differently
ld a,(use8)
or a
ld a,'N'
jr z,sps7
setss6: ld (packet + {hba - mydata}),a
sps7: ld a,(try2)
or a
jr z,splp
ld hl,packet + {cka - mydata}
dec (hl)
jr splp
sparr: ld a,(hibit)
or a
ld hl,use8
ld de,hispfx
jr nz,useh
ld a,(de)
xor 'Y'
or (hl)
ld a,'N'
jr nz,setd6
useh: ld (hl),0
ex de,hl
ld a,'Y'
cp (hl)
jr nz,setd6
ld (hibit),a
setd6: ld (packet + {hba - mydata}),a
ld hl,cktypq
ld a,(hl)
and 0xfe
cp '2'
jr z,ckok
ld (hl),'1'
ckok: ld a,(hl)
ld (packet + {cka - mydata}),a
ld a,(pack)
or a
jr nz,ispack
ld a,' '
ispack: ld (packet + {pka - mydata}),a
splp: ld a,(longpk)
or a
ret nz
ld hl,[' ' << 8] + ' '
ld (packet + {capas - mydata}),hl
ld (packet + {capas - mydata} + 2),hl
.extern rpar
ld hl,packet
push hl
ld b,16
fillit: ld a,(hl)
or a
jr nz,filnxt
ld (hl),' '
inc hl
ld (hl),0
dec hl
filnxt: inc hl
djnz fillit
pop hl
ld a,(hl)
sub ' '
jr c,psizok
psizok: ld (spsiz),a
ld (cspsiz),a
inc hl
ld a,(hl)
sub ' '
jr nc,timok1
timok1: cp MAXTIM
jr c,timok2
timok2: ld (timint),a
inc hl
ld a,(hl)
sub ' '
ld (pad),a
inc hl
ld a,(hl)
xor 64
ld (padchr),a
inc hl
ld a,(hl)
sub ' '
or a
jr nz,eolok
ld a,MYEOL
eolok: ld (eol),a
inc hl
ld a,(hl)
call validq
jr nc,quotok
quotok: ld (quote),a
inc hl
ld a,(hl)
cp ' '
ld (hispfx),a
jr z,clru8
call validq
jr c,notvq
ld a,(ksflg)
or a
jr z,usehis
ld a,(use8)
or a
jr nz,clru8
ld a,(hispfx)
jr nz,clru8
usehis: ld a,(hispfx)
jr sethib
notvq: ld a,(hispfx)
cp 'Y'
jr nz,rpr7
ld a,(use8)
or a
jr nz,rpr7
sethmy: ld a,MYHIBIT
sethib: ld (hibit),a
clru8: xor a
ld (use8),a
rpr7: inc hl
ld a,(ksflg)
or a
ld a,(hl)
jr nz,rpr7s
cp '2'
jr z,setct
cp '3'
jr z,setct
ld a,'1'
jr setct
rpr7s: ld a,(try2)
or a
ld a,'2'
jr nz,ckrtyp
inc a
ckrtyp: cp (hl)
jr z,setct
ld a,'1'
setct: ld (cktypq),a
rpr8: inc hl
ld a,(ksflg)
or a
ld a,(hl)
jr nz,rpr8s
call validq
jr c,rpr9
jr rp8sp
rpr8s: cp MYPACK
jr nz,rpr9
rp8sp: ld (pack),a
rpr9: ld a,(longpk)
or a
ret z
inc hl
ld a,(hl)
and 2
ret z
skipcp: ld a,(hl)
inc hl
jr c,skipcp
inc hl
ld a,(hl)
sub ' '
ld e,a
inc hl
ld a,(hl)
sub ' '
call mul95
ld a,h
and ~ [1023 / 256]
jr z,rpszok
ld hl,1023
rpszok: ld a,h
or a
jr z,cksml
sub10: ld de,-10 ; trim off some size for breathing room
add hl,de
jr spsz
cksml: ld a,l
cp MAXPSIZ + 1
jr nc,sub10
or a
ld hl,500
jr z,spsz
cp l
jr c,spsz
ld l,a
spsz: ld (spsiz),hl
ld (cspsiz),hl
validq: cp '!'
ret c
cp '<' + 1
ret nc
cp '`'
ret c
cp '~' + 1
mul95: ld l,e
ld d,0
ld h,d
add hl,hl ; * 2
add hl,de ; * 3
add hl,hl ; * 6
add hl,hl ; * 12
add hl,hl ; * 24
add hl,hl ; * 48
add hl,hl ; * 96
sbc hl,de ; * 95
ld e,a
add hl,de ; + a
.extern kinit
ld a,MYEOL
ld (eol),a
ld (quote),a
ld (timint),a
ld a,'1'
ld (cktyp),a
call clrflg
kflp: ld a,(hl)
or 0x20
cp 0x20
jr z,donekf
cp 'b'
jr nz,nokfb
ld (ktxt),a
jr kflpi
nokfb: cp 'g'
jr nz,nokfg
ld (getflg),a
jr kflpi
nokfg: cp '8'
jr nz,nokf8
ld (use8),a
jr kflpi
nokf8: cp '2'
jr nz,nokf2
ld (try2),a
jr kflpi
nokf2: cp 'q'
jr nz,nokfq
ex de,hl
ld hl,qcount
inc (hl)
ex de,hl
jr kflpi
nokfq: cp 'a'
jr nz,nokfa
ld (beep),a
jr kflpi
nokfa: cp 'l'
jr z,savser
cp 'f'
jr nz,nokff
savser: ld (sercmd),a
jr kflpi
nokff: cp 'x'
jr nz,kflpi
ld (longpk),a
kflpi: inc hl
jr kflp
donekf: ld a,(getflg)
or a
jr z,noget
call byp
or a
jr nz,savget
call ilprt
db 'Need filename for get option\0'
jp jexit
savget: ld (getnam),hl
noget: ld hl,kabort
ld (abortf),hl
ld hl,kstr
jp initsc
kstr: db 'Kermit\0'
.extern kerror
ld a,e
ld de,(nn)
ld d,a
ld a,'E'
push hl
call spack
call mtprt
dw [14 << 8] + 10
db 'Local error: \0'
phlpsl: pop hl
jp prtslp
.extern prerrp
ld hl,packet
push hl
call mtprt
dw [14 << 8] + 10
db 'Error from remote: \0'
jr phlpsl
.extern scnfil
ld a,(de)
inc de
and 0x7f
cp ' '
jr z,isspc
ld (hl),a
inc hl
isspc: djnz scnfil
.extern dbadp
dbadp: call diag
db 'Invalid packet type\0'
kabort: call gettc3
jr nc,kabort ; let the line cool down
ld a,(ksflg)
ld de,(nn)
or a
jr z,nnok
inc e
nnok: ld d,0
ld a,'A'
call spack
.extern dabort
dabort: call diag
db 'Transfer aborted\0'
jexit: call crlf
ld sp,(ressp)
.extern exprp
ld a,(pack)
cp (hl)
jr z,gotexp
ld a,(hl)
or a
jr nz,exprp
gotexp: inc hl
ld a,(hl)
sub ' '
ld b,a
inc hl
ld a,(hl)
inc hl
expfl: ld (de),a
inc de
djnz expfl
jr exprp
.extern clrflg
push hl
ld hl,fill
ld de,fill + 1
ld bc,{endfill - fill} - 1
ld (hl),b
pop hl
.extern mdm7b
mdm7b: ; modem 7 batch enabled
.extern hibit
hibit: ds 1 ; high bit quote char, or zero if none
.extern pack
pack: ds 1 ; repeat char pack flag, or zero if none
.extern longpk
longpk: ds 1 ; long packets requested
.extern pad
pad: ds 1 ; number of pad chars needed
.extern errors
errors: ; xmodem error count
.extern padchr
padchr: ds 1 ; what sort of padding needed
.extern crcerc
ktxt: ds 1 ; text mode (how do we do end of file?)
.extern crcmod
use8: ds 1 ; are we actually doing 8 bit transfers
.extern beep
beep: ds 1 ; beep when done
.extern ymdmb
ymdmb: ; y modem batch transfer
try2: ds 1 ; type 2 checksum requested
.extern qcount
qcount: ds 1 ; quiet value
spsiz: ds 2 ; max send packet size
cspsiz: ds 2 ; current send packet size
.extern getflg
getflg: ds 1 ; server get requested
.extern getnam
getnam: ds 1 ; string for names to get - overlays sercmd
.extern sercmd
sercmd: ds 1
.extern ressp
ressp: ds 2
.extern size
size: ds 2
.extern nn
nn: ds 1
.extern timint
timint: ds 1
.extern numtry
numtry: ds 1
.extern oldtry
oldtry: ds 1
.extern state
state: ds 1
.extern eol
eol: ds 1
.extern quote
quote: ds 1
hispfx: ds 1 ; char he sent in prefix position
.extern cktyp
cktyp: ds 1 ; checksum type we're actually using
.extern cktypq
cktypq: ds 1 ; checksum type proposed
status: ds 1
data: ds 12
.extern ksflg
ksflg: ds 1
hdchk: ds 1 ; checksum used for header
dw 0x0000, 0x1081
dw 0x2102, 0x3183
dw 0x4204, 0x5285
dw 0x6306, 0x7387
dw 0x8408, 0x9489
dw 0xa50a, 0xb58b
dw 0xc60c, 0xd68d
dw 0xe70e, 0xf78f