Fork 0

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; chat.z - handle send/receive chat scripts
.incl "c:vars"
.var _sends 0 ; send string
.var _expect 40 ; expect string
.var _explen 80 ; length of expect string
.var _sndlen 81 ; length of send string
.var _time 82 ; time in seconds to try
.var _tries 83 ; number of times to try before failing
.var _yes 84 ; new state if success
.var _no 85 ; new state if failure
.var _slow 86 ; should we slow down outgoing string
.var _curtry 87 ; current try at this one
.extern area
area: ; area where parsed line lives
sends: ds 40 ; send string
expect: ds 40 ; expect string
explen: ds 1 ; length of expect string
sndlen: ds 1 ; length of send string
time: ds 1 ; time in seconds to try
tries: ds 1 ; number of times to try before failing
yes: ds 1 ; new state if success
no: ds 1 ; new state if failure
.extern slow ; externed for hangup
slow: ds 1 ; should we slow down outgoing string
curtry: ds 1 ; current try at this one
.macro table byte,addr
dw addr
db byte
pop hl ; needed for chaining
pop hl
jr ncchat ; don't clear vars when we chain
.extern chat
call initch ; set up
ncchat: ld a,1
ld (opentr),a ; clear number of open tries
ld hl,scning
dec (hl)
call gofil ; get and open a file
ld hl,scning
inc (hl)
jr nc,dochat ; open OK, go do it
ld hl,cmdlin
call byp ; look at first char on command line
or a ; no line - give up right now
ret z
retryo: ld hl,(chtusr)
inc h ; turn to a fcb type drive
ld (auxfcb),hl ; replace drive / user in fcb
jr tryaux ; try it again
.extern ichat ; enter here with command tail at 80: this
ichat: ; is used to handle files given to qterm when
; initially invoked
call initch
ld hl,buffer + 1
call scnfcb ; go parse an fcb
call byp
ld (ppp),hl ; save base of parameter strings
call xferax ; stuff it in auxfcb
tryaux: ld a,(opentr)
ld (scning),a
call opnaux ; and open it
ld hl,scning
ld (hl),0 ; reset scanning flag
inc hl ; how many tries
dec (hl) ; second time - must be the .LBR failing
jr nc,dochat ; opened OK, go use it
ret nz ; give up if open failed
inc hl
call scnfcb
ld hl,fcb
ld de,auxfcb ; set pointers to fcbs
ld b,34 ; 34 bytes to shift
swplp: ld a,(de)
ld c,a
ld a,(hl)
ld (de),a
ld (hl),c ; swap bytes at hl and de
inc hl
inc de ; move pointers
djnz swplp ; loop till done
jr retryo ; and retry the open
dochat: call nz,setlbr ; if .LBR file open, then set to read it
jp c,fnferr ; file not found - complain & exit
ld hl,(ppp)
ld de,0x80 ; move the parameters to 0x80
ld b,d
ld c,e ; also 0x80 bytes to move
ldir ; shift them down
call prepclv ; prepare the command line variables
ld hl,script
ld (ppp),hl ; save address where lines will go
ld de,script + 1
ld bc,4096 + 1536 - 1
xor a
ld (hl),a
ldir ; clear out the script and work areas
ld a,0x7f
ld (b7flag),a ; flag to zap bit 7
loop: push bc ; save line number in bc
call getlin ; get a line
pop bc
jr c,cnvrt ; eof - now convert labels and parameters
ld hl,auxlin
ld a,(hl)
or a
jr z,loop ; ditch blank lines
inc hl
cp '!' ; first char a '!'
jr nz,nobang ; no - so process normally
ld e,(hl)
call incbyp
ld a,e
cp ';' ; comment??
jr z,loop ; yes - throw it away _RIGHT_NOW_
cp ':' ; label??
push af
call z,label ; yes - save it away
pop af
ld hl,auxlin + 1
cp '$' ; parameter default?
jr nz,nodolr
ld a,0x81 ; illegal value - not normally seen
ld (hl),a ; set so we don't change
nodolr: cp '@'
jr nz,nobang
ld a,0x82 ; ditto
ld (hl),a
nobang: ld de,auxlin ; where the line is
ld hl,(ppp) ; where we want it to go
xferlp: ld a,(de)
ld (hl),a ; move a byte
inc hl
inc de ; bong the pointers
or a
jr nz,xferlp ; loop till whole line is moved
ld (ppp),hl
inc c
ld de,work - 4
sbc hl,de ; did we overflow?
jr c,loop ; no - back for more
toobig: call ilprt
db 'Script is too large (4K maximum)\r\n\0'
; come here when script has been read, labels noted and parameters set
cnvrt: xor a
ld hl,(ppp)
ld (hl),a ; add an empty line to terminate
dec a
ld (lbrcnt),a ; disable library count
jr doscr
perr: call ilprt ; print an error msg
db 'Bad line in file\r\n\0'
call dim ; set dim mode
ld hl,auxlin ; point hl at string
erplp: ld a,(hl) ; get a character
or a
jr z,doneer ; exit if done
push hl
ld c,a
call scrout ; send it
pop hl
inc hl
jr erplp
doneer: call crlf ; print a newline
jp main ; and exit to terminal mode
doscr: ld a,0xff
ld (b7flag),a ; clear bit 7 zap flag
ld (cvtp),a
ld a,1 ; initially state 1
scrlp: or a
jr nz,moresc
push bc
finisp: pop bc
finis: call ilprt ; state zero means we're done
db '\r\nDone\r\n\0'
jp main ; straight to main to avoid a second redraw
moresc: ld c,a ; save state in c for command recovery
dec a
ld b,a
ld hl,script ; point at script
jr z,rps ; if line 1, we're all set
srlp: ld a,(hl)
inc hl
or a
jr nz,srlp ; loop till we hit a null
djnz srlp
rps: ld (redptr),hl ; set up read pointer
push bc ; save line number in c
call getwl
jr c,finisp ; all out of script, exit
call parse ; chop it up
jr c,perr ; drop on an error
pop bc ; line number back to c
xor a
ld (curtry),a ; zero out current try
retry: ld ix,area
ld a,(sndlen)
ld b,a
or (ix + _explen) ; if both strings are empty
jr z,finis ; we fell off end of script: return
jp m,commnd ; explen == -1 => command type line: go do it
push ix
pop hl ; address to hl == address of send string
ld a,b
or a ; zero length?
call nz,sendcs
ld a,(ix + _explen) ; get expect length
or a
jr z,expok ; not expecting anything, match by default.
call clerw2 ; clear the work buffer for incoming chars
ld a,(mode)
and lf_bit
jr nz,scanex
push ix
call pexstr
db '\r\nLooking for: \0'
pop ix
scanex: ld c,(ix + _time) ; get time to c
second: ld de,600
call setspd ; set the speed
qrtrms: ld b,96 ; hang loose a while
qmslp: djnz qmslp
push hl
push bc
call procch ; ok, see what characters are waiting
jr c,nochar ; nothing waiting - bypass all this mess
call stufw2 ; and save in the other buffer
ld hl,work2 + 257 + 64 + 1
ld c,(ix + _explen)
or a
sbc hl,bc ; get that point in buffer
ld de,expect ; expect string address to de
chekxp: ld a,(de)
cp (hl) ; did we match a byte?
jr nz,nochar ; no - skip and try again
ldi ; move pointers, adjust and test bc
jp pe,chekxp ; not done: check some more
gotit: pop bc ; got a match!
pop de ; clean up stack first
expok: ld a,(yes) ; get success state transition
push af
ld a,(explen) ; see if we actually had anything to match
or a
jr z,pjs ; nope, so skip all of this
ld a,(mode)
and mat_bit
jr nz,pjs ; don't print if match disabled
call pexstr
db '\r\nMatch: \0' ; tell that we matched
pjs: pop af ; restore success state
jp scrlp
nochar: pop bc
pop hl
dec hl ; count down second timer
ld a,h
or l
jp nz,qrtrms
dec c ; second timeout done?
jp nz,second ; loop back if not
ld a,(mode)
and mat_bit
jr nz,nopf ; don't print if match disabled
push ix
call ilprt
db '\r\nFail\0' ; failed
pop ix
nopf: inc (ix + _curtry) ; bump try count
ld a,(curtry)
cp (ix + _tries) ; did we exceed allowed tries?
jr nc,failed ; yes - complete fail - do state transition
ld a,(mode)
and mat_bit
jr nz,jrt ; don't print if match disabled
push ix
call ilprt
db ', retry\r\n\0'
pop ix
jrt: jp retry
failed: ld a,(no) ; get fail state transition
push af
call crlf ; throw a new line
jr pjs
.extern canscr
canscr: call ilprt ; quit if so
db '\r\nCancelled\r\n\0'
jp main ; long jump to main since we don't know what
; state the stack is in
commnd: ld a,c ; restore line number from c
ld (prmpfl),a ; use non-zero value to set prompt flag
push af ; save line number
ld hl,cmdret
push hl ; push a return address to get back here
ld a,(time) ; get the command letter
call ucsa ; force upper case
ld hl,chttbl
chttbl: table '.',break
table 0x2c,hangup ; we'd like to say ',',hangup but ZSM barfs
table 0x82,eval ; was @, but converted during readin to avoid
; getwl substitute problems
table 0x81,setstr ; was $, changed for the same reason.
table '#',test
table '%',stest
table '&',mattog
table '<',sinput
table '>',messag
table '~',cf
table '[',multi
table '(',fileio
table 'B',baud
table 'C',catch
table 'E',echo
table 'H',hdxtog
table 'J',jctog
table 'K',ldfnk
table 'L',lftog
table 'M',msbtog
table 'N',newdsk
table 'O',optog
table 'P',print
table 'Q',quit
table 'R',recv
table 'S',send
table 'U',0x0276
table 'V',vttog
table 'W',witog
table 'X',pchat
table 'Y',hold
table 'Z',cclose
ld b,{endctb - chttbl} / 3
tbllp: ld e,(hl)
inc hl
ld d,(hl) ; get next table entry to de
inc hl
cp (hl) ; check byte in a vs. table letter
inc hl
push de ; push entry point
ret z ; if we matched this takes us to the code
pop de ; restore stack
djnz tbllp ; loop till we run out of table
pop hl ; clean up stack
cmdret: xor a
ld (prmpfl),a ; clear prompt flag
pop af ; get line number back
inc a ; bump by one: commands always succeed
jp scrlp ; loop back for more
.extern sendcs
inc b ; clear the zero flag, and account for an
; extra djnz
push bc
push hl ; stack these for later popping
jr sendi ; and jump to where we delay a bit
sendcl: push bc
ld a,(hl) ; get next character
inc hl ; bump
push hl ; and save pointer
cp 0xff ; was it a -1?
jr nz,nosbrk ; no - check for -2
call break ; send a break
jr chrsnt
nosbrk: cp 0xfe ; check for -2
jr nz,mdmchr ; no - send char normally
ld de,1200 ; set for a 1 second delay
call msip ; 1000 1/1000th of a second == 1 second
jr chrsnt ; and check for incoming chars
mdmchr: push af
call modop ; send the character
pop af ; restore back to a
chrsnt: call lstmod ; keep tabs on incoming chars
call lstmod
ld a,(slow)
or a ; do we need to slow it down
sendi: call nz,tenth ; wait a while if so
pop hl
pop bc
djnz sendcl ; and keep on sending
parse: ld hl,area ; point de at this record
push hl
ld de,area + 1
ld bc,_curtry
ld (hl),b
ldir ; nuke parse area
pop de ; restore input pointer to de
ld hl,auxlin
ld a,(hl)
cp '!' ; bang?
jr nz,nopb ; nope - parse as usual
inc hl
ld a,(hl) ; get command letter
inc hl
ld bc,_explen ; move enough stuff to fill to explen
ex de,hl
ld (hl),b ; null terminate just in case
inc hl
ld (hl),-1 ; set -1 in sndlen as a flag
inc hl
ld (hl),a ; and save the letter
nopb: ld hl,slow
ld (hl),b
ld a,(auxlin) ; get delimiter
cp 'z' + 1 ; greater than 'z'?
jr c,noslow ; skip if not
ld (hl),a ; else set slow flag
noslow: ld hl,auxlin ; point hl at incoming line
call scanst ; scan send string
ret c
ld (sndlen),a ; save length
call scanst ; scan expect string
ld (explen),a
ret c ; exit if error
xor a
call rednum ; parse time
ret c
or a
jr nz,gottim
ld a,15 ; if no time or zero, default to 15
gottim: ld de,time
ld (de),a ; save the time
inc de
xor a
call rednum ; scan tries
ret c
or a
jr nz,gottry
inc a ; if none or zero set to 1
gottry: ld (de),a
inc de
pop bc
ex (sp),hl
ld a,l ; get cur line num to a
ex (sp),hl
push bc
inc a ; add one to get default yes
call rednum ; read success
ret c
ld (de),a
inc de
xor a
call rednum ; and finally the fail value
ret c
ld (de),a
inc a
.extern scanst
scanst: ld b,40 ; count max of 40 chars
ld a,(hl) ; get the delimiter to a
ld (de),a
or a
ret z ; return with z to show empty line
ld c,a ; copy to c
inc hl ; point to next char
.extern scnstp
scnstp: call parst ; chomp up the string
ret c
donest: ld a,40
sub b ; get length to a
dec b
inc b ; test b for zero
jr z,bzero ; if b not zero
setde: inc de ; bump de
djnz setde ; till b runs out
bzero: or a ; clear the carry
.extern parst
xor a
ld (de),a ; add a trailing null
ld a,(hl) ; get next char
cp c ; delimiter?
ret z ; yes - all done on this string
or a
ret z ; handle error
inc hl
cp '\\' ; backslash gets special treatment
call z,backsl ; parse the backslash escape
inc b
dec b ; any space left?
jr z,parst ; no - just get end of line
dec b
ld (de),a ; save the char away
inc de
jr parst
.extern backsl
backsl: ld a,(hl) ; get char after backslash
inc hl
or a ; end of string?
scf ; flip carry to true
ret z ; return on zero w/ error
cp 'k'
jr nz,nobrk
ld a,0xff
nobrk: cp 'd'
jr nz,nodel
ld a,0xfe
nodel: cp 'f'
jr nz,noff
ld a,'\f'
noff: cp 'b'
jr nz,nobksp
ld a,'\b'
nobksp: cp 't'
jr nz,notab
ld a,'\t'
notab: cp 'n'
jr nz,nonl
ld a,'\n'
nonl: cp 'r'
jr nz,nocr
ld a,'\r'
nocr: cp 'e'
jr nz,noesc
ld a,'\e'
noesc: cp 'x'
jr nz,nohex
push bc
ld bc,0x0200
gethex: ld a,(hl)
sub '0'
cp 10
jr c,hexok ; valid digit - use it
sub 'A' - '0'
cp 6
jr c,hexlok ; valid A-F
sub 'a' - 'A'
cp 6
jr c,hexlok ; valid a-f
ld a,b
add a,0xfe ; check if b was still 2
jr endoct
hexlok: add a,10 ; letter values need 10 added
hexok: inc hl ; bump pointer
sla c
sla c
sla c
sla c ; c *= 16
or c ; a += c
ld c,a
djnz gethex
jr endoct
nohex: sub '0' ; check for octal digit
cp 8
jr c,octal ; got one - handle it
add a,'0' ; restore character
or a ; clear carry
octal: push bc
ld b,2 ; 2 more chars to get
ld c,a ; save current value in c
getoct: ld a,(hl) ; get another char
sub '0'
cp 8 ; convert and test
jr nc,endoct ; no good - skip
inc hl ; now we move the pointer
sla c
sla c
sla c ; c *= 8
or c ; a += c (and clear the carry)
ld c,a ; back to c
djnz getoct ; loop till three chars done
endoct: ld a,c ; char back from c
pop bc
rednum: ex af,af' ; save default value in a'
ld a,(hl)
or a ; get and test a delimiter
jr z,usedef ; end of string - use default
inc hl
ld c,a ; save it away
ld a,(hl)
cp c ; check see if anything in field
jr nz,isnum ; yes - go parse it
usedef: ex af,af'
isnum: ld b,0
scnnum: ld a,(hl)
or a
jr z,usedef ; end of string: exit
cp c
jr z,gotnum ; found delimiter: exit
inc hl
sub '0'
cp 10 ; did we find a digit?
ccf ; flip carry: set => error
ret c ; so return
push af ; save converted digit
ld a,b
add a,a
add a,a
add a,b
add a,a
ld b,a ; b *= 10
pop af
add a,b
ld b,a ; b += new digit
jr scnnum
gotnum: ld a,b
; label saves a label / line number pair in the symbol table
label: push hl ; save input pointer
ld hl,work + 1016 ; look in symbol table
ld de,8 ; step 8 at a time
findlb: add hl,de ; move to next
ld a,(hl)
or a ; end of table?
jr nz,findlb ; no - look at next one
pop de ; input pointer back to de
ld b,7 ; 7 bytes of label
scanit: ld a,(de) ; get an input byte
or a
jr z,elbl ; null
cp ' '
jr z,elbl ; or space terminates it
ld (hl),a
inc de
inc hl
djnz scanit ; loop till 7 bytes moved
jr addnum ; go add the line number
elbl: ld (hl),0
inc hl ; zero fill
djnz elbl
addnum: ld (hl),c ; save the line number
xor a
inc hl
ld (hl),a ; zero fill end of symtab
ld (work + 1528),a ; prevent overflow
; flabel - find a label / line number pair in the symbol table
flabel: ex de,hl ; label pointer to de
ld hl,work + 1016 ; look in symbol table
flblp: ld bc,8 ; step 8 at a time
add hl,bc ; move to next
ld a,(hl)
or a ; end of table?
jr z,exdert ; yes - undefined labels do odd things
ld a,(de)
cp (hl) ; check first char
jr nz,flblp ; nope - try again
push hl
push de ; save pointers
ld b,7 ; 7 bytes of label
fscnit: ld a,(de) ; get an input byte
or a
jr z,nomtch ; end of input
cp (hl)
jr nz,nomtch ; no match, but it may be end of label
inc de ; bump pointers
endok: inc hl
djnz fscnit ; all 7 bytes done: we got it
ld a,(hl) ; get line number to a
pop hl
pop hl ; clean stack
exdert: ex de,hl ; input pointer back to hl
ret ; and home we go
nomtch: ld a,(hl)
or a
jr z,endok ; aha - end of entry in symtab, fake it
pop de
pop hl ; no good, restore pointers
jr flblp ; back to look at the next one
; fparam - find parameter from array at 0x80 whose number is in a
.extern fparam
fparam: ld hl,strngs ; point at strings
fplp: or a ; finished?
ret z ; return if so - hl points to string
ld e,a ; save a
byppl: ld a,(hl) ; step over non-null characters
inc hl
or a
jr nz,byppl
ld a,e ; get string number back
dec a ; one more done
jr fplp
; kilstr - kill string parameter hl points to
.extern kilstr
kilstr: ld a,(hl)
or a
ret z ; if it's already empty, we're done
push hl ; save hl for later
ld e,l
ld d,h
ksel: inc hl ; loop to find end of old string
ld a,(hl)
or a
jr nz,ksel
shftlp: ld a,(hl) ; by now hl points to end, de to string
ldi ; move another byte
inc a ; test for end of data
jr nz,shftlp ; loop till all done
ex de,hl
xfill: ld (hl),0xff ; replace all the 0xffs
inc hl
ld a,(hl)
cp 'A' ; we've got an 'A' at the end as a stopper
jr nz,xfill
pop hl ; restore pointer to string
ret ; all done
; setstr - set a string variable
setstr: call areabu ; point hl at command tail
call pnum
ret nc
inc hl ; skip over letter
push hl ; and save address of source
push af ; save parm number
call fparam ; get ...
pop af
cp 9
jr nc,repl ; 9 or above is letter string - force replace
ld a,(hl)
or a ; anything there yet?
jr nz,pbcret ; yes - do nothing
repl: call kilstr ; and kill current string
ex (sp),hl ; save target, restore source
call byp ; strip white space
ex de,hl ; source to de
pop hl ; dest back to hl
xor a ; want this null terminated
; and fall into insstr to put it in place
; insstr - shift string addressed by de to string var at hl, use char in
; a (or null) to terminate string at de
.extern insstr
insstr: push bc ; save bc
ld b,a ; term char to b
ld c,0 ; count in c
push de ; save source in de
fslen: ld a,(de)
or a ; null
jr z,estr1 ; ends the string
cp b ; term char?
jr z,estr ; yup end of string as well
inc c ; count
inc de ; and move pointer
jr fslen
estr: xor a
estr1: ld b,a ; set len to word in bc
cp c
jr z,pop2r
push hl ; save target in hl
push bc ; and length as well
inc bc
ld hl,strngs + 511 ; start from very top of string space
cpdr ; look for 0 on end of last string
pop bc
jr nz,isok ; nz means we didn't find it which is OK
pop hl ; get hl back
pop2r: pop bc
pop bc ; clean up stack, de points to end already
ret ; exit right now
isok: pop de ; target back to de
inc hl
push hl ; source of lddr on stack
sbc hl,de ; hl contains count to move up
push bc ; length back on stack
ld b,h
ld c,l ; count to move to bc
pop hl ; length back to hl
ex (sp),hl ; resave length, get lower move point
push de ; target back on stack
ld de,strngs + 511
inc bc ; why in the name of H*LL we have to inc this
inc bc ; twice, I don't know. However, it works.
lddr ; shift it all up to make the hole
pop de ; target back
pop bc ; length of string back
pop hl ; source
push de ; save target
ldir ; move string into place
ex de,hl ; updated source pointer back to de
pop hl ; original hl back
pbcret: pop bc ; restore bc
pnum:; call ucsa
sub '1'
cp 9 ; is it valid
ret c ; default param
sub 'A' - '1'
cp 26 ; valid letter?
ret nc ; return if not
add a,9 ; convert above parameters
scf ; set carry to show it's OK
; prepclv - convert command line args to $1 through $9
ld de,0x80 ; point at command line params
ld b,0 ; set counter to zero
pcvlp: push de
ld a,b
call fparam ; address this parameter
call kilstr ; get rid of the old
pop de
ex de,hl
call byp ; find text
ex de,hl
ld a,' '
call insstr ; drop the string in place
inc b
ld a,b
cp 9 ; loop till nine are done
jr nz,pcvlp
; get a line from wherever we're reading, stuff it in auxlin
getwl: ld hl,(redptr) ; pick up read pointer
ld a,(hl)
or a ; first byte zero?
ret z ; return carry to show end of input
ld de,auxlin ; auxlin is where we'll put it
gwlp: ld a,(hl) ; get a byte
cp '$'
jr z,gwstr ; substitute strings,
cp '@'
jr z,gwnum ; numbers
cp '`'
jr z,gwlbl ; and labels
nullt: ld a,(hl)
ldi ; otherwise just transfer
or a ; and test the byte
jr nz,gwlp ; loop if more
ld (redptr),hl ; save updated read pointer
gwstr: inc hl ; point at letter code for string wanted
call ucsahl
; ld a,(hl) ; get it
call pnum ; see if it's a valid string number
jr nc,nullt ; if not just copy the character as is
inc hl
push hl ; save string we're reading from
push de
call fparam ; get the string
pop de
scp: ld a,(hl)
or a
jr z,phlgwl
jr scp
phlgwl: pop hl
jr gwlp
gwnum: inc hl ; point at variable letter
call ucsahl ; convert to upper case
sub 'A' ; make it into an index
cp 26 ; in range?
jr nc,nullt ; nope - convert as a straight letter
inc hl ; skip over the variable number
push hl ; save source
push de ; and target
ld e,a
ld d,0
ld hl,vars
add hl,de
ld a,(hl) ; fetch the value
pop hl ; restore target to hl
jr dumpa
gwlbl: inc hl
push de ; save target
call flabel ; find the label
inc a
ex (sp),hl ; restore target, save source
dumpa: ld (hl),'0' - 1 ; put in hundreds digit
ld e,0
hundlp: inc (hl)
sub 100
jr nc,hundlp
add a,100
call cinc
ld (hl),'0' - 1
tenlp: inc (hl)
sub 10
jr nc,tenlp
call cinc
add a,'0' + 10
ld (hl),a
inc hl
ex de,hl ; target back to de
pop hl ; source to hl
jr gwlp ; and we're done
; cinc - inc hl only if (hl) != 0: used to format numbers
cinc: dec e
inc e ; test e
jr nz,docinc ; already set, force a save
ld c,a ; save a
ld a,(hl)
cp '0' ; pointing at a zero?
ld a,c ; restore a
ret z ; return if so,
docinc: inc hl ; otherwise bump hl
inc e ; and set e
; print expect string, but ignore control characters
pexstr: call dim ; dim mode
pop hl
call prtslp ; print inline string
push hl ; resave return address
ld hl,expect
ld bc,(explen - 1) ; get explen to b
prtncc: ld a,(hl) ; get a character
cp ' '
jr c,nopcc ; less than space, don't print
cp 0x7f ; check >= delete
push bc
push hl
ld c,a ; char to c for printout
call c,scrout ; out it goes if legal
pop hl
pop bc
nopcc: inc hl ; move pointer
djnz prtncc ; loop till all done
jp crlf
.extern scning
scning: db 0
.extern opentr
opentr: db 0 ; should be useg, but need to bump hl for lbrs
.extern lbrs
lbrs: db '/QTERM.LBR\0' ; name of qterm script library
redptr: ds 2
.extern ppp
ppp: ds 2 ; parameter pointer
.extern chtusr
chtusr: ds 1 ; extra drive / user to try for chat scripts
.extern chtdrv
chtdrv: ds 1
cvtp: ds 1 ; do we convert params and numbers in getwl