251 lines
3.9 KiB
251 lines
3.9 KiB
; QT-ADM40.Z - QTERM patch for the Coleco ADAM, w/ 40 columns
.var no 0
.var yes ! no
.var datap 0x44 ; data port (in/out)
.var statp 0x45 ; status port (in)
.var contlp 0x47 ; control port (out)
.var baudrp 0x46 ; baud rate port (out)
.var inmsk 2 ; 8251 RxRDY
.var outmsk 1 ; 8251 TxRDY
.var chipset 0x37 ; 8251 RTS,ER,RxE,DTR,TxEN
.var chipoff 0x35 ; 8251 RTS,ER,RxE,TxEN (no dtr)
.var break chipset | 8 ; chipset OR send break
.var freeze 0x22
.var reset 0x27
; Misc variables
.var scrout 0x0109 ; output char in <C> (QTERM)
.var decout 0x010c ; output decimal value in <HL> (QTERM)
; Modem input status. 110h-11fh.
.org 0x0110
istat: in a,(statp)
and inmsk
; Read modem character. 120h-12fh.
.org 0x0120
idata: in a,(datap)
; Modem output status. 130h-13fh.
.org 0x0130
ostat: in a,(statp)
and outmsk
; Write modem character. 140h-14fh.
.org 0x0140
odata: out (datap),a
; Break. Start break 150h-15fh; end break 160-16fh.
.org 0x0150
brkon: ld a,break
out (contlp),a
.org 0x0160
brkoff: ld a,chipset
out (contlp),a
; Dtr. Drop dtr 170h-17fh; restore dtr 180h-18fh.
.org 0x0170
dtroff: ld a,chipoff
out (contlp),a
.org 0x0180
dtron: ld a,chipset
out (contlp),a
; Baud rate. Routine 190h-19fh; table 1a0h-1afh.
.org 0x0190
jp finbd
.org 0x01a0
b38400: db 0,no ; 38400
b19200: db 0x3f,yes ; 19200
b9600: db 0x3e,yes ; 9600
b4800: db 0x3c,yes ; 4800
b2400: db 0x3a,yes ; 2400
b1200: db 0x37,yes ; 1200
b600: db 0x36,yes ; 600
b300: db 0x35,yes ; 300
; Mode. Routine 1b0h-1bfh.
.org 0x01b0
modset: jp finmod
; Mode. Table 1c0h-1cbh. 8251 mode byte, sets stop bits, parity,
.org 0x01c0
n71: db 0b01001010 ; 7n1 ; this table must be
n81: db 0b01001110 ; 8n1 ; exactly 12 bytes long
n72: db 0b11001010 ; 7n2
n82: db 0b11001110 ; 8n2
e71: db 0b01111010 ; 7e1
e81: db 0b01111110 ; 8e1
e72: db 0b11111010 ; 7e2
e82: db 0b11111110 ; 8e2
o71: db 0b01011010 ; 7o1
o81: db 0b01011110 ; 8o1
o72: db 0b11011010 ; 7o2
o82: db 0b11011110 ; 8o2
; Miscellaneous one byte values.
.org 0x01cc
db 0 ; reserved for future use
.org 0x01cd
db 8 ; 1cdh - size of xfer buffer
.org 0x01ce
db 4 ; 1ceh - cpu clock speed
.org 0x01cf
db '\e' ; 1cfh - escape character
; Signon message. 1d0h-1efh
.org 0x01d0
db '\ex9\nColeco ADAM 40 Col W/-RS232\0'
; Clear screen string
.org 0x01f0
db 'z' & 0x1f, 0
; Moveto - move the cursor
.org 0x0200
moveto: push hl ; save row,col
ld c,'\e' ; send escape
call scrout
ld c,'=' ; send =
call scrout
pop hl ; get row,col
ld de,0x2020 ; add offset
add hl,de
push hl ; and save
ld c,h ; send row+offset
call scrout
pop bc ; get col+offset
jp scrout ; send
; tcbits - what terminal capabilities are present
.org 0x022f
db 0xff
.org 0x0230
db '\eq\0'
.org 0x0238
db '\ep\0'
.org 0x0240
db '\eM\0'
.org 0x0248
db '\eL\0'
.org 0x0250
db 0x97,0
.org 0x0258
db 0x94,0
.org 0x0260
db '\eK\0'
.org 0x0268
db '\eJ\0'
.org 0x0270
jp entry
.org 0x0273
jp exit
.org 0x0276
.org 0x0279
.org 0x0280
ld b,a
in a,(baudrp)
ld c,a
in a,(baudrp)
ld a,freeze
out (contlp),a
ld a,c
out (baudrp),a
ld a,b
out (baudrp),a
ld a,reset
out (contlp),a
ld b,a
in a,(baudrp)
in a,(baudrp)
ld c,a
ld a,freeze
out (contlp),a
ld a,b
out (baudrp),a
ld a,c
out (baudrp),a
ld a,reset
out (contlp),a
ld e,0x1a
ld c,2
call 5
in a,(baudrp)
ld b,a
in a,(baudrp)
ld a,b
or a
ret nz
ld a,0x4e
call 0x01b0
ld a,0x37
call 0x0190
ld e,0x19
ld c,2
call 5
ld c,9
ld de,exitstr
jp 5
db 'z' & 0x1f, '\ey9$'