# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- ''' rtx - RetroText rtxMask: Klasse zur Verarbeitung einer Eingabemaske by Anna Christina Naß released under GPL ''' import glob import logging import config import cept class rtxMask: """ Klasse zur Verarbeitung einer Eingabemaske """ lines = [] answers = [] def __init__(self): return def addLine(self, x, y, length): """ adds a new line for the mask to the object """ newLine = {} newLine['x'] = x newLine['y'] = y newLine['length'] = length self.lines.append(newLine) def get_answer(self, nr): """ returns the answer for a specific line """ if nr >= 0 and nr <= len(self.answers): return self.answers[nr] else: return False def get_answers(self): """ returns the array of all answers """ return self.answers def _pos_cur_to_line(self, line): """ positions the cursor to the beginning of a line """ self._pos_cur_to_xy(line['x'], line['y']) def _pos_cur_to_xy(self, x, y): """ positions the cursor to a (x,y) position on screen """ toX=0x41 + x toY=0x41 + y gotoString = "\x1f" + chr(toX) + chr(toY) glob.ser.write(bytes(gotoString, "latin-1")) def _set_str_at_pos(self, char, pos, line): """ changes the 'char' at a position 'pos' of a specific answer 'line' """ zeile = self.answers[line] # if the line is shorter than the position, add spaces while len(zeile) < pos: zeile += " " zeile = zeile[:pos-1] + char + zeile[pos:] self.answers[line] = zeile def process_input(self): """ reads the input from the client, fills the mask and gets the input """ # if there have no input lines been defined, no input can be processed - so exit the function if len(self.lines) == 0: logging.debug("Keine Zeilen in der Maske definiert!") return False # position the cursor into the first field self._pos_cur_to_line(self.lines[0]) posx = 0 # cursor position inside the line - max. position is length-1 posy = 0 # the current line - max. number is len(self.lines)-1 weiter = True # read input and interpret it while weiter==True: # if the modem hangs up, exit the function: #if glob.mode == "modem" and glob.ser.getCD() == False: # weiter=False in_byte = glob.ser.read(1) instr = str(in_byte, encoding="latin-1") echostr = instr if instr == cept.TER or instr == cept.CR: # go to the beginning of the next line # or finish the mask if posy == len(self.lines)-1: weiter = False self._send_data() else: # go to the beginning of the next line posy += 1 posx = 0 self._pos_cur_to_line(self.lines[posy]) elif instr == cept.BSP: self.answers[posy] = self.answers[posy][:-1] posx -= 1 elif instr == cept.UP: # if the cursor is in the first line, we can't go higher... # so we ignore the keypress echostr = "" # no echo needed, we position the curser ourselves if posy > 0: posy -= 1 posx = 0 self._pos_cur_to_line(self.lines[posy]) elif instr == cept.DOWN: # same here: last line => it can't go lower => ignore echostr = "" # no echo needed, we position the curser ourselves if posy < len(self.lines): posy += 1 posx = 0 self._pos_cur_to_line(self.lines[posy]) elif instr == cept.LEFT: if posx > 0: posx -= 1 else: echostr = "" elif instr == cept.RIGHT: if posx < len(self.answers[posy]): posx += 1 else: echostr = "" elif instr == cept.HOME: posy = 0 posx = 0 self._pos_cur_to_line(self.lines[posy]) echostr = "" elif instr == cept.SEND: # ist das DCT?? weiter = False self._send_data() elif instr.isalnum(): # "normal" input # TODO: lineinput == Zeilenende beachten #self._set_str_at_pos(instr, posx, posy) posx += 1 else: # ignore the rest and do not echo it :) echostr = "" # now send the echo glob.ser.write(bytes(echostr, "latin-1")) def _send_data(self): """ strip spaces from the right of the answers and save them """ new_answers = [] for answer in self.answers: temp = answer.rstrip() new_answers.append(temp) self.answers = new_answers print(self.answers)