CONST Version = '1.33TP'; DataFileName = 'LADDER.DAT'; ConfigFileName = 'LADCONF.COM'; NumHighScores = 5; { # of stored high scores } DataFileStrLength = 31; { # chars in data file terminal config strings } DataFileNameLength = 29; { # chars in high score names } CursOffStr = #$1B'[?25l'; { turn cursor off string } CursOnStr = #$1B'[?25h'; { turn cursor on string } NumPlaySpeeds = 5; { # of different playing speeds } BonusTimeDecInterval = 3000; { decrement bonus time every 3 seconds } NumLevels = 7; { # of distinct levels } LevelRows = 20; { # of rows in a level map } LevelCols = 79; { # of chars in a level map } MaxDispensers = 3; { max # of rock dispensers on a level } JumpsLen = 6; { max # of positions in a jump sequence }