program snake; {$I- No I/O checking} {$R- No range checking} {$V- No string checking} (* Snake game for CP/M-80 V2.2 and VTxx/ANSI terminal Original version (C) 2018, Karl A. Brokstad ( Turbo Pascal conversion and other mods with permission (C) 2018, linker3000 (linker3000-at-gmail-dot-com) V1.2T: 21-Jul 2019 Corrected Y boundary max in putFood. V1.1T: 14-Oct-2018 Command line switch -m (monochrome) suppresses all colour codes Version numbering detached from Karl A. Brokstad's original V23N: 24-Sep-2018 First public release Game map used for collision detection and food position generation - this takes out several long loops. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . *) Type Str255 = string[255]; Const progVersion : string[6] = '1.2acn'; borderChar : char = '#'; snakeHeadChar : char = 'O'; snakeBodyChar : char = '#'; xMax : Byte = 80; yMax : Byte = 25; var snakeX : array [1..100] of byte; snakeY : array [1..100] of byte; gameGrid : array [2..80, 2..25] of byte; {Tracks snake body and tail} snakeBodyANSI : String[8]; foodANSI : String[8]; snakeHeadANSI : String[8]; borderANSI : String[8]; resetANSI : String[4]; msgANSI : String[8]; snakeHead, snakeTail, snakeLength : integer; I, level, score : integer; inp, dir : char; X, Y : byte; crash, escaped : boolean; time : integer; {Game delay factor} food : boolean; foodX, foodY, foodV : byte; (* * * * * * * * * * writeCtr * * * * * * * * * *) procedure writeCtr(Line : Byte; S : Str255); { Write a centered line of text} Var I : Integer; begin I := 40 - round(Length(S)/2); If I < 1 then I := 1; gotoxy(I,Line); write(S); end; (* * * * * * * * * * clrKbd * * * * * * * * * *) procedure clrKbd; {Clear keyboard buffer} begin repeat until (bdos(6,255)) = 0; end; (* * * * * * * * * * readKbd * * * * * * * * * *) procedure readKbd; {Check for direction keys} begin if keypressed then case upcase(chr(bdos(6,255))) of '4','H','A' : dir := 'L'; (* left *) '8','K','W' : dir := 'U'; (* up *) '2','J','S' : dir := 'D'; (* down *) '6','L','D' : dir := 'R'; (* right *) '+' : time := (time + 5) and 255; '-' : begin time := time - 5; if time < 0 then time := 0; end; 'Q' : escaped := true; end; end; (* * * * * * * * * conIn * * * * * * * * * * * *) function conIn : char; begin conIn := chr(bdos(6, 255)); (* SILENT READ CHARACTER *) end; (* * * * * * * * sDelay * * * * * * * * * * * * * *) {A non-blocking-ish delay during which we check the keyboard} procedure sDelay (D : integer); var I : integer; begin for I := 1 to D do begin Delay(1); readKbd; end; end; (* * * * * * * * * SPLASH SCREEN * * * * * * * * * * * *) procedure SplashScreen; begin clrscr; write (msgANSI); writeCtr( 4,'SNAKE '+progVersion+' by Linker3000'); writeCtr( 5,'From the original by Karl A. Brokstad ('); writeCtr( 7,'This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.'); writeCtr( 9,'This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it'); writeCtr(10,'under certain conditions - see GPLV2 license:'); writeCtr(11,''); writeCtr(13,'Requirements:'); writeCtr(15,'80x25 ANSI/VT100 compatible console'); if (msgANSI = '') then writeCtr(16,'(Monochrome mode was chosen by command line switch)') else writeCtr(16,'(Start program with -m switch to disable ANSI colors)'); writeCtr(18,'Movement:'); writeCtr(20,'4 = left, 8 = up, 2 = down, 6 = right OR use HJKL keys'); writeCtr(21,'Q = Quit to here during game'); writeCtr(23,'Press ENTER to START or Q to QUIT'); repeat repeat until keypressed; inp := conIn; if ((inp = 'Q') or (inp = 'q')) then begin write (resetANSI); halt; end; until (inp = #13); end; (* Put down food *) Procedure putFood; begin (* food value 1-9 *) foodV := 1 + random(9); repeat {Find a new food location} readKbd; foodX := 3 + random(xMax-3); {Stay within walls} foodY := 3 + random(yMax-4); until (gameGrid[foodX,foodY] = 0); {Don't put food down over snake} food := true; gotoXY(foodX,foodY); {Draw food} write(foodANSI, foodV ,resetANSI); gotoXY(1,1); readKbd; end; {food} (* * * * * * * * * DRAW SCREEN * * * * * * * * * * * *) procedure DrawScreen; var I : integer; begin clrscr; write(borderANSI); for I:=1 to xMax do begin gotoXY(I,1); write(borderChar); gotoXY(I,yMax); write(borderChar); end; for I:=1 to yMax do begin gotoXY(1,I); write(borderChar); gotoXY(xMax,I); write(borderChar); end; write(resetANSI); end; (* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *) (* * * * * * * * * * MAIN * * * * * * * * * * *) begin snakeBodyANSI := #27'[40m'; foodANSI := #27'[33;40m'; {Yellow on black background} snakeHeadANSI := #27'[40m'; borderANSI := #27'[31;44m'; resetANSI := #27'[0m'; {Reset ANSI attributes} msgANSI := #27'[33;40m'; if (ParamCount > 0) and ((ParamStr(1) = '-m') or (ParamStr(1) = '-M')) then begin snakeBodyANSI := ''; foodANSI := ''; snakeHeadANSI := ''; borderANSI := ''; resetANSI := ''; msgANSI := ''; end; repeat randomize; SplashScreen; (* show splash screen *) (* * * * * * * * * INIT GAME * * * * * * * * *) escaped := false; crash := false; score := 1; level := 1; time := 100; (* delay time *) (* * * * * * * * * GAME LOOP * * * * * * * * *) while (not escaped) and (not crash) do begin {Clear the object location grid} for Y := 2 to yMax do for X := 2 to xMax do gameGrid[X,Y] := 0; DrawScreen; snakeHead := 1; (* first position *) snakeLength := 1; (* length and last position *) snakeTail := 2; (* position to erase snakeTail := snakeHead + snakeLength *) X := 39; (* position in middle of screen *) Y := 12; snakeX[snakeLength] := X; snakeY[snakeLength] := Y; score := score + snakeLength; (* write level and score *) gotoXY(30,1); write(' LEVEL ',level,' SCORE : ',score,' '); food := false; for I := 5 downto 0 do begin gotoXY(X,Y); write(I); delay(500); end; dir := 'R'; (* * * * * * * * * START GAME LEVEL * * * * * * * * *) repeat {Game level} readKbd; {Check keyboard for input} case dir of (* MOVE readKbd *) 'L' : X:=X-1; (* left *) 'R' : X:=X+1; (* right *) 'D' : Y:=Y+1; (* down *) 'U' : Y:=Y-1; (* up *) end; (* Save snake position *) (* PUSH snake positions down the line *) (* Always use full array size to keep processing speed consistent *) for I := 100 downto 2 do begin readKbd; {Check keyboard for input} snakeX[I] := snakeX[I-1]; snakeY[I] := snakeY[I-1]; end; snakeX[snakeHead] := X; snakeY[snakeHead] := Y; gotoXY(snakeX[snakeHead],snakeY[snakeHead]); (* Draw new head *) write (snakeHeadANSI,snakeHeadChar); if snakeLength > 1 then begin readKbd; gotoXY(snakeX[snakeHead+1],snakeY[snakeHead+1]); (* Draw body *) gameGrid[snakeX[snakeHead+1],snakeY[snakeHead+1]] := 1; {Where the body is} write (snakeBodyANSI,snakeBodyChar); end; gotoXY(snakeX[snakeTail],snakeY[snakeTail]); (* erase tail *) gameGrid[snakeX[snakeTail],snakeY[snakeTail]] := 0; {Remove tail from map} write (resetANSI,' '); gotoXY(1,1); if (food = false) then putFood; {Put down some food} {Test snake position} if (X < 2) or (X >= xMax) {Snake crashes into wall or own body } or (Y < 2) or (Y >= yMax) or (gameGrid[X,Y] = 1) then crash := true; if (X = foodX) and (Y = foodY) then {Snake eats food } begin readKbd; snakeLength := snakeLength + foodV; food := false; snakeTail := snakeLength +1; score := score + (foodV * level); gotoXY(30,1); write(' LEVEL ',level,' SCORE : ',score,' '); gotoXY(1,1); readKbd; end; sDelay(time); (* delay *) until crash or escaped or (snakeLength > 99); {game level} (* * * * * * * * * * END GAME * * * * * * * *) write(msgANSI); if (crash or escaped) then (* game over *) if crash then writeCtr(12,' YOU CRASHED ') else writeCtr(12,' YOU QUIT! '); if snakeLength > 99 then (* advance to next level *) begin level := level + 1; time := time - 10; if (time < 1) then time := 1; writeCtr(12,' YOU MADE IT TO THE NEXT LEVEL '); end; write (resetANSI); clrKbd; writeCtr(14,' PRESS ENTER '); repeat until conIn = #13; end {while} until false; (* * * * * * * * * * FINISH * * * * * * * *) end.