This is a CP/M port of a Unix curses clone of sokoban, along with an executable patched to run in emulated 80x24 on ZCN. To run it on ZCN, you need to copy both and soklevls.dat. To run on any other CP/M, you'll probably need to hack the clear() and move() routines in sokzcn.c and recompile it (with Hitech C); see sokzcn.c for more. The various other README files aren't too relevant any more, but they're the READMEs supplied by the author(s) of the version I ported. FYI, and all that. :-) I combined all the level files into one 'soklevls.dat' file. The format is that of the old screen.?? files, but with a ^L separating each level. This should make it easy to add your own levels; in VDE you can insert a ^L by doing ^P ^L. The hard bit is designing the levels. :-) -Rus.