S O K O B A N The problem is to push packets to saving positions by moving around and pushing only one packet at a time if possible. Available Commands are: h: move/push left H: run/push left ^H: run left to object l: move/push right L: run/push right ^L: run right to object j: move/push down J: run/push down ^J: run down to object k: move/push up K: run/push up ^K: run up to object u: undo last move/push U: undo all c: temporary save ^U: reset to temporary save ^R: Refresh screen q: quit s: save the game ?: this help screen += (DO NOT CHANGE OR DELETE THIS LINE) Characters on screen are: @@ player ++ player on saving position .. saving position for packet $$ packets ** saved packet ## wall As you could see you can make a temporary save. This is useful if you think that all the moves/pushes you have made are correct, but you don't know how to go on. In this case you can temporary save (using the c command). If you then get stucked you need not undo all (using U), you can reset to you temporary save. If you have restored a saved game, a temporary save is automatically made at the start. == (DO NOT CHANGE THIS LINE)