/* FIND THAT MINE! A MineSweeper clone for CRTs and CP/M. Derived from the plain CP/M version. Copyright (c) 2012-2020 Miguel Garcia / FloppySoftware, Spain. VT100 color version by Anna Christina Naß This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. To compile with MESCC: cc ftm ccopt ftm zsm ftm hextocom ftm Notes: LEVELS: 1 2 3 NOTES ROWS: 8 8 8 COLS: 8 12 16 SQUARES: 64 96 128 ROWS * COLS MINES: 8 12 16 SQUARES / 8 (1 MINES EACH 8 SQUARES) */ /* Do you want debug tools? */ #define DEBUG_MINES 0 /* MESCC libraries */ #include #include #include #include /* KS library */ #include "ks.h" /* DEFs for BOARD */ #define MAX_ROWS 8 /* Max. number of rows */ #define MAX_COLS 16 /* Max. number of columns */ #define MAX_SQ 128 /* Max. number of squares (MAX_ROWS * MAX_COLS) */ #define MAX_BUF 512 /* MAX_SQ * 4 */ /* DEFs for SPRITES */ #define SPR_MINE '*' /* Mine */ #define SPR_FLAG 'P' /* Flag */ #define SPR_UNK '?' /* Unknown */ #define SPR_ERR 'X' /* Flag error */ #define SPR_BLANK ' ' /* Blank */ /* Global variables */ int brd_rows, /* Board size in rows */ brd_cols; /* Board size in columns */ WORD mines_row[MAX_ROWS], /* Map for mines */ visib_row[MAX_ROWS], /* Map for visible squares */ flags_row[MAX_ROWS], /* Map for squares with flag */ count_row[MAX_ROWS]; /* Map for counters */ BYTE sq_buf[MAX_BUF]; /* Buffer to hold the above maps */ int row_off[8], /* Array to help in calculation */ col_off[8]; /* of adjacent squares */ int gameover, /* NZ if game is over */ dead, /* NZ if player is dead */ level, /* Current level */ viscnt, /* Number of visible squares in board */ flgcnt, /* Number of flags in board */ squares, /* Number of squares in board */ mines, /* Number of mines in board */ random; /* Random number */ /* Code starts here */ main(argc, argv) int argc, argv[]; /* char *argv[] - unsupported by MESCC */ { int i; int tty_n; int *tty_s; /* char *[] */ /* Init KS */ KsHello(0); /* Setup */ Setup(); /* Play game */ Play(); /* The end */ PrStr("\n\n\tBye, bye!\n\n\n"); } /* Setup program */ Setup() { int i; BYTE *p; /* Build array to help in calculation of adjacent squares */ row_off[0]=-1; col_off[0]= 0; /* Up */ row_off[1]=-1; col_off[1]=+1; /* Upper Right */ row_off[2]= 0; col_off[2]=+1; /* Right */ row_off[3]=+1; col_off[3]=+1; /* Lower Right */ row_off[4]=+1; col_off[4]= 0; /* Down */ row_off[5]=+1; col_off[5]=-1; /* Lower Left */ row_off[6]= 0; col_off[6]=-1; /* Left */ row_off[7]=-1; col_off[7]=-1; /* Upper Left */ /* Setup maps */ p = sq_buf; for(i = 0; i < MAX_ROWS; ++i) { mines_row[i]=p; p+=MAX_COLS; visib_row[i]=p; p+=MAX_COLS; flags_row[i]=p; p+=MAX_COLS; count_row[i]=p; p+=MAX_COLS; } /* Other */ random = 0; } /* Show copyright, etc. */ Copyright() { int r; char str[80]; KsClear(); sprintf(str, "%sFind %sThat %sMine%s!%s\n", FGBRED, FGBCYN, FGBBLU, FGBYEL, RESET); KsPosCursor(r = 0, 32); KsPutStr(str); //KsCenterStr(r = 0, "Find That Mine!\n"); KsCenterStr(++r , "v2.0 for CP/M & Z80\n\n"); ++r; KsCenterStr(++r ,"A minesweeper type game.\n"); ++r; KsCenterStr(++r ,"(c) 2012-2020 Miguel Garcia / Floppy Software, Spain.\n"); KsCenterStr(++r ,"www.floppysoftware.es\n"); KsCenterStr(++r ,"VT100 color version by acn@acn.wtf\n\n"); } /* Select and play a level */ Play() { int run; char buf[2]; run = 1; while(run) { Copyright(); PrStr("\t1 > Level 1 : 08 x 08 squares, 08 mines\n"); PrStr("\t2 > Level 2 : 08 x 12 squares, 12 mines\n"); PrStr("\t3 > Level 3 : 08 x 16 squares, 16 mines\n"); PrStr("\tQ > Quit game\n\n"); PrStr("\t? "); ReadLine(buf, 1); switch(*buf) { case '1' : SetLevel(1); RunLevel(); break; case '2' : SetLevel(2); RunLevel(); break; case '3' : SetLevel(3); RunLevel(); break; case 'Q' : run = 0; break; default : break; } } } /* Setup level */ SetLevel(lev) int lev; { /* I'm thinking... */ PrStr("\n\n\tI'm thinking... "); /* Setup level values */ level = lev; brd_rows = 8; switch(level) { case 1 : brd_cols = 8; break; case 2 : brd_cols = 12; break; case 3 : brd_cols = 16; break; } squares = brd_rows * brd_cols; mines = squares / 8; gameover = dead = viscnt = flgcnt = 0; /* Setup board */ ClrBoard(); /* Setup counters */ ClrCounts(); } /* Play level */ RunLevel() { int row, col; char buf[4]; for(;;) { ShowBoard(); if(gameover) { PrStr("\tRETURN > Quit level\n\n\t? "); ReadLine(buf, 0); break; } PrStr("\trc > Select (ie 0B)\n"); PrStr("\trcF > Set/remove flag (ie: 3DF)\n"); PrStr("\tQ > Quit level\n\n"); PrStr("\t? "); ReadLine(buf, 3); if(buf[0] >= '0' && buf[0] < '0' + brd_cols) { row = buf[0] - '0'; if(buf[1] >= 'A' && buf[1] < 'A' + brd_cols) { col = buf[1] - 'A'; if(!buf[2]) Choice(row, col); else if(buf[2] == 'F' && !buf[3]) ChoiceFlag(row, col); } } else if(buf[0] == 'Q' && !buf[1]) gameover = 1; } } /* Test if player has win the game */ TestIfWin() { if(flgcnt == mines && flgcnt + viscnt == squares) gameover = 1; } /* Set or remove a flag in a square */ ChoiceFlag(row, col) int row, col; { if(!TstVis(row, col)) { if(TstFlag(row, col)) { SetFlag(row, col, 0); --flgcnt; } else { SetFlag(row, col, 1); ++flgcnt; TestIfWin(); } } } /* Select a square */ Choice(row, col) int row, col; { if(!TstVis(row, col) && !TstFlag(row, col)) { if(TstMine(row, col)) { gameover = dead = 1; return; } /* Make visible this square. */ SetVis(row, col, 1); ++viscnt; /* Make visible the adjacent squares, if there are not mines around. */ if(!GetCount(row, col)) VisAdj(row, col); TestIfWin(); } } /* Get square counter */ GetCount(row, col) int row, col; { BYTE *p; p = count_row[row]; return p[col]; } /* Set square counter */ SetCount(row, col, val) int row, col, val; { BYTE *p; p=count_row[row]; p[col]=val; } /* Return 1 if there is a mine in the square, else 0 */ TstMine(row, col) int row, col; { BYTE *p; p=mines_row[row]; return p[col] ? 1 : 0; } /* Set/remove a mine in a square */ SetMine(row, col, val) int row, col, val; { BYTE *p; p=mines_row[row]; p[col]=val; } /* Return 1 if there is a flag in the square, else 0 */ TstFlag(row, col) int row, col; { BYTE *p; p=flags_row[row]; return p[col] ? 1 : 0; } /* Set/remove a flag in a square */ SetFlag(row, col, val) int row, col, val; { BYTE *p; p=flags_row[row]; p[col]=val; } /* Return 1 if it is a visible square, else 0 */ TstVis(row, col) int row, col; { BYTE *p; p=visib_row[row]; return p[col] ? 1 : 0; } /* Set square to visible or invisible */ SetVis(row, col, val) int row, col, val; { BYTE *p; p=visib_row[row]; p[col]=val; } /* Return the number of mines in adjacent squares */ FindAdj(row, col) int row, col; { int mines, rn, cn, i; for((mines = i = 0); i < 8; ++i) { rn = row + row_off[i]; cn = col + col_off[i]; if(rn >= 0 && rn < brd_rows && cn >= 0 && cn < brd_cols) if(TstMine(rn, cn)) ++mines; } return mines; } /* Set adjacent squares visible - recursively */ VisAdj(row, col) int row, col; { int rn, cn, i; for(i=0; i < 8; ++i) { rn = row + row_off[i]; cn = col + col_off[i]; if(rn >= 0 && rn < brd_rows && cn >= 0 && cn < brd_cols) { if(!TstVis(rn, cn) && !TstFlag(rn, cn)) { SetVis(rn, cn, 1); ++viscnt; if(!GetCount(rn, cn)) VisAdj(rn, cn); } } } } /* Display board */ ShowBoard() { int r, c; KsClear(); PrStr("\t "); for(c = 0; c < brd_cols; ++c) { PrCh(' '); PrCh('A' + c); } PrCh('\n'); PrStr(FGBGRY); PrStr("\t "); PrCh(201); PrChTimes(205, brd_cols + brd_cols + 1); PrCh(187); PrCh('\n'); PrStr(RESET); for(r = 0; r < brd_rows; ++r) { PrCh('\t'); PrCh('0' + r); PrStr(FGBGRY); PrCh(186); PrStr(RESET); for(c = 0; c < brd_cols; ++c) { PrCh(' '); if(TstVis(r, c)) { if(GetCount(r, c)) { switch(GetCount(r, c)) { case 1: PrStr(FGBBLU); break; case 2: PrStr(FGGRN); break; case 3: PrStr(FGBRED); break; case 4: PrStr(FGBLU); break; case 5: PrStr(FGRED); break; default: PrStr(FGCYN); break; } PrCh('0' + GetCount(r, c)); PrStr(RESET); } else { PrCh(SPR_BLANK); } } else if(gameover) { if(TstMine(r, c)) { if(TstFlag(r, c)) { PrStr(FGRED); PrCh(SPR_FLAG); PrStr(RESET); } else { PrStr(FGRED); PrCh(SPR_MINE); PrStr(RESET); } } else { if(TstFlag(r, c)) PrCh(SPR_ERR); else PrStr(FGBGRY); PrCh(SPR_UNK); PrStr(RESET); } } else { #if DEBUG_MINES if(TstFlag(r, c)) PrCh(SPR_FLAG); else if(TstMine(r, c)) PrCh(SPR_MINE); else PrCh(SPR_UNK); #else if(TstFlag(r, c)) { PrStr(FGRED); PrCh(SPR_FLAG); PrStr(RESET); } else { PrStr(FGBGRY); PrCh(SPR_UNK); PrStr(RESET); } #endif } } PrCh(' '); PrStr(FGBGRY); PrCh(186); PrStr(RESET); PrCh('0' + r); switch(r) { case 0 : PrStr(" FIND THAT MINE!"); break; case 2 : if(gameover) { PrStr(" GAME OVER"); } else { PrStr(" Level: "); PrNumber(level); } break; case 4 : if(gameover) { if(dead) { PrStr(" YOU'RE DEAD"); } else if(flgcnt + viscnt == squares) { PrStr(" YOU WIN"); } else { PrStr(" SEE YOU LATER"); } } else { PrStr(" Mines: "); PrNumber(mines); } break; case 6 : if(!gameover) { PrStr(" Flags: "); PrNumber(flgcnt); } break; } PrCh('\n'); } PrStr(FGBGRY); PrStr("\t "); PrCh(200); PrChTimes(205, brd_cols + brd_cols + 1); PrCh(188); PrCh('\n'); PrStr(RESET); PrStr("\t "); for(c = 0; c < brd_cols; ++c) { PrCh(' '); PrCh('A' + c); } PrCh('\n'); PrCh('\n'); } /* Setup board. All squares without mines, invisibles and without flags. Set the mines randomly. */ extern char RandStr[]; ClrBoard() { int r, c; char *p; /* */ p = RandStr + 8 * (random & 0x0F); for(r = 0; r < brd_rows; ++r) { for(c = 0; c < brd_cols; ++c) { /* Set square */ SetVis(r, c, 0); SetFlag(r, c, 0); SetMine(r, c, *p == '@' ? 1 : 0); /* Update next value */ if((*++p)=='$') p = RandStr; } } } /* Setup counters of adjacent squares */ ClrCounts() { int r, c; char *p; for(r = 0; r < brd_rows; ++r) for(c = 0; c < brd_cols; ++c) SetCount(r, c, FindAdj(r, c)); } /* String to setup board randomly (total of 128 bytes). 1 mine each 8 bytes. */ #asm RandStr: ; v-------v-------v-------v------- defb '----@---@-------------@----@----' defb '-@-----------@----@----------@--' defb '--@---------@----------@--@-----' defb '----@----@-----------@---@------' defb '$' #endasm /* Read line from keyboard. Setup random number. */ ReadLine(buf, width) char *buf; int width; { int len; char ch; len = 0; while(!KsGetKb()) ++random; while(1) { switch(ch = KsGetCh()) { case 8 : case 127 : if(len) { PrCh(8); PrCh(' '); PrCh(8); --len; } break; case '\r' : case '\n' : buf[len] = 0; return; default : if(ch >= ' ' && len < width) PrCh(buf[len++] = toupper(ch)); } } } /* Print character. Supports simple '\t'. */ PrCh(c) int c; { if(c != '\t') { KsPutCh(c); } else { PrChTimes(' ', 8); } } /* Print string */ PrStr(s) char *s; { while(*s) { PrCh(*s++); } } /* Print character X times */ PrChTimes(ch, n) int ch, n; { while(n--) { PrCh(ch); } } /* Print decimal number */ PrNumber(n) int n; { int s[7]; sprintf(s, "%d", n); PrStr(s); }