2019-10-24 11:48:18 +02:00

97 lines
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;rand - simple random number generator
;requires maths.z
;algorithm adapted from the one I used for 8086 kirsten.
;for cpm zmac:
;ZZglobal seed
;ZZglobal srand
;ZZglobal rand16
;ZZglobal rand
;uses these:
;ZZglobal multiply
;ZZglobal divide
seed: defb 'ZX81' ;don't ask :-)
;set random number seed from R
;entry: none, exit: none
;af/hl corrupt
ld a,r
ld h,a
ld a,r
ld l,a
ld (seed),hl
ld a,r
ld h,a
ld a,r
ld l,a
ld (seed+2),hl
;get random number in range 0 to hl-1 inclusive
;entry: hl=range size
;exit: hl=random number in range 0 to range_size-1
;af/bc/de corrupt
;this is equivalent to 'rand()%range_size' in C; the Linux 'rand'
;man page suggests this alternative if you need a better distribution,
;which may be a good idea for numbers bigger than a few thousand:
; > To ensure a good distribution for a subrange of values,
; > use code like the below:
; > i = RAND_MAX / my_range
; > i *= my_range
; > while ((j = rand()) >= i) continue;
; > return j % i;
; > (code example based on code from Karl Lehenbauer's fortune
; > cookie program, which credits Ken Arnold, Unix Review,
; > October 1987).
;replace rand() above with a call to rand16, and RAND_MAX with FFFFh.
;there are multiply/divide/mod routines in maths.z. Note that using the
;above algorithm will be significantly slower than calling this
;routine, probably half the speed at best.
push hl
call rand16
pop de
call divide
ex de,hl
;get random number between 0 and 65535 inclusive
;entry: none
;exit: hl=random number
;af/bc/de corrupt
ld hl,(seed+2)
ld d,l
add hl,hl
add hl,hl
ld c,h
ld hl,(seed)
ld b,h
rl b
ld e,h
rl e
rl d
add hl,bc
ld (seed),hl
ld hl,(seed+2)
adc hl,de
res 7,h
ld a,h
and 080h
jr nz,rand16a
inc h
ld (seed+2),hl
ld hl,(seed) ;now hl=16-bit rand. num.