%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % VT132 Quick Reference Guide % by Anna Christina Naß % licensed under GNU Free Documentation License % (GNU FDL), see fdl-1.3.txt % % VT132 by TheHighNibble % http://thehighnibble.com/ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \documentclass[ a5paper, headsepline, footsepline=false, 10pt, twoside, DIV=16, BCOR=3mm, footinclude=false, parskip=half ]{scrbook} % all other \usepackages and \renewcommands are there: \include{includes} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Title page and TOC \title{\includegraphics{logo}} \subtitle{Quick Reference Guide} \author{} \date{Version 1.0.0} \publishers{\includegraphics[scale=0.7]{thn_logo}} % on the back of the title page: \uppertitleback{ Quick Reference Guide by by Anna Christina Naß \\ \\ This guide is made available under the GNU Free Documentation License v1.3, or later, if desired. This means that you are free to modify, reproduce and redistribute this user guide, subject to certain conditions. The full text of the GNU Free Documentation License v1.3 can be found at \\ \footnotesize{\url{https://www.gnu.org/licenses/fdl-1.3.html}} } \lowertitleback{Created with \LaTeX{} using Linux Libertine font package} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Let's get started \begin{document} \maketitle \tableofcontents \include{introduction} \include{terminal} \include{setup} \include{modem} \appendix \include{hardware} \include{sequences} \end{document} % The End. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%