%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % VT132 Quick Reference Guide % by Anna Christina Naß % licensed under GNU Free Documentation License % (GNU FDL), see fdl-1.3.txt % % VT132 by TheHighNibble % http://thehighnibble.com/ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \documentclass[ a5paper, headsepline, footsepline=false, 10pt, twoside, DIV=16, BCOR=3mm, footinclude=false, parskip=half ]{scrbook} % all other \usepackages and \renewcommands are there: \include{includes} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Title page and TOC \title{\includegraphics{logo}} \subtitle{Quick Reference Guide} \author{} \date{Version 1.0.0} \publishers{\includegraphics[scale=0.7]{thn_logo}} % on the back of the title page: \uppertitleback{ Quick Reference Guide by by Anna Christina Naß \\ \\ Licensed under GNU Free Documentation License (FDL) 1.3\\ \footnotesize{\url{https://www.gnu.org/licenses/fdl-1.3.html}} } \lowertitleback{Created with \LaTeX{} using Linux Libertine font package} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Let's get started \begin{document} \maketitle \tableofcontents \include{introduction} \include{terminal} \include{setup} \include{modem} \appendix \include{hardware} \include{sequences} \end{document} % The End. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%