# VT132-QuickRef This document aims to provide a Quick Reference Guide for the VT132 terminal/modem module for RC2014-style computers. If you just want to download this guide, just use: [vt132.pdf](vt132.pdf) This is the ready-made PDF file. This Quick Reference Guide is licensed under the [https://www.gnu.org/licenses/fdl-1.3.html](GNU Free Documentation License), see [fdl-1.3.txt](fdl-1.3.txt). ## Compiling the LaTeX document This LaTeX document is compiled using xeLaTeX. The following Debian/Ubuntu packages are needed to compile it: * texlive * texlive-xetex * texlive-fonts-extra (for the *Linux Libertine* font package) To compile, just run ```make.sh```, to clean up afterwards use ```clean.sh```.