Join the numbers and get to the 2048 tile.

  • Based on 2048 created by Gabriele Cirulli.
  • Based on the console version for GNU/Linux by Maurits van der Schee
  • Ported to Z80 and CP/M by Marco Maccaferri macca@maccasoft.com

Original Repository: https://github.com/maccasoft/z80-apps

In this version some minimal changes were applied:

  • On startup, clearing the screen will be performed by the standard VT100 ^[2J.
  • The "arrow symbols" below the playfield are symbolized by <>^v, as the symbols used before actually are control characters that most VT100 terminals do not display.
  • The newer version without the undocumented opcode is used.


Use the arrow keys to move the tiles.

When two tiles with the same number touch, they merge into one.

  • w, s, a, d - Alternate keys (up, down, left, right)
  • CTRL-E, CTRL-X, CTRL-S, CTRL-D - Wordstar-compatible control keys


If using TASM, the command is: TASM -80 -b 2048.ASM 2048.COM

The "Micro Z80 Assembler" was used to assemble 2048.COM on Linux. It is provided in the directory uz80as, just compile it using make.

The command for assembling 2048 is: uz80as 2048.ASM 2048.COM.

uz80as can be found here: https://github.com/jorgicor/uz80as The uz80as directory here is taken from the RomWBW source tree.


From original repository:

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