2019-10-24 11:48:18 +02:00

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# cpmtris
A Tetris clone for Z80-based CP/M machines
(c) 1996,1999 Russell Marks, GPLv2
Originally part of the ZCN repository: https://github.com/jamesots/zcn
I modified cpmtris so that "vt100" and "8 MHz" are the default values.
``cpmtris.com`` is the assembled binary that uses these settings.
See README.orig for full documentation.
## Commands
| Action | Key |
| ---------- | --- |
| Rotate | s |
| Left/Right | k/l |
| Drop | d |
## Command-Line Options
``cpmtris [termtype [mhz*10]]``
``termtype`` specifies the terminal type:
| Type | Terminal |
| ---- | --------------------------- |
| 0 | as defined in patch area |
| 1 | VT100 (default) |
| 2 | VT52 (PCW, +3, etc.) |
| 3 | ZCN (this is auto-detected) |
| 4 | VC404 |
``mhz*10`` defines the speed of the machine "times 10", e.g. for a
3.5 MHz machine, use "35" or for 8 MHz (default) use "80".
E.g.: ``cpmtris 1 80`` for a VT100 8 MHz machine, which is the default.
The ZMAC Z80 macro assembler, which is used for cpmtris, is also available in the ``zmac/`` folder.
When assembling cpmtris using the Makefile, zmac is used (but needs to be compiled first)